Review: Forever Friends by Sarah Mackenzie
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As mentioned before, I agree with the comparison to Susan Mallery and Jill Shalvis. If you love them, than you will love Sarah.
Forever Friends was a really wonderful book. Two unlikely women, come together at two different places in their lives and form a wonderful friendship. They weather the storm together and find themselves helping each other bring the joy back in their lives inspiring hope, love and the start of a beautiful friendship.
What I love most about these women were their differences and they complement each others’ lives. Sadie, staying at home to raise of child, with another on the way, is feeling the burdens of motherhood. She was successful and ambitious, once she had her baby, she lost who she was and has grown to feel powerless. Not feeling the support of her husband making more of an effort to help her, she begins to lose herself and with news of a new baby on the horizon, desperately seeks to find a firm grip to mentally survive.
I loved Renee. She is one of those women who on the outside looks like the perfect mother. However, behind those walls harbors insecurities and pain that have been masked to project another narrative. After her husband left her, her life became all about her daughter. Now that her daughter is away at college, she is suffering from empty nest syndrome and struggling to find where she belongs in life. It’s as if she lost her identity once her daughter left. When an opportunity arises that has the potential to give her a second chance at love, her insecurities get the best of her and she struggles with the past wandering or not she is worthy.
One day after an accident, inspiration hit the both of them to open a bakery. Inspiring a spark that not only ignited a fire within them, did they find the key ingredients to the recipe they were looking for?
A sweet treat of two lovely ladies that I know you will love. Their friendship was beautiful. I loved how each had what the other needed which made them so enjoyable to read. They face real issues and challenges that will resonate with you. There are moments that make you laugh and others where you want to give them a hug. They were meant to meet at that moment in time and we get to experience their wonderful journey. Since this was the first book in the series, I’m looking forward to what’s next. I’d recommend adding this one to the list.