Review: Another by Fiona Cole
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Another is a story of two almost strangers who share an evening together and months later find out that they are going to be parents.
I struggled with Another. It was tough to finish and at times hard to remember plot points or supporting character names.
I felt like I was missing a few aspects of the story. For example, Carina and Ian's first meeting. We'll shown a brief flashback of what happened and told multiple times of what happened but I would have preferred to have actually witnessed that event. I think it would have provided a much needed character introduction and story set up.
Carina and Ian were okay characters. I felt fairly indifferent about them individually and them as a couple. I found myself waiting and hoping for a moment that would make me love them but it never came.
Yes, they worked well together raising a child. However, I didn't necessarily feel the spark between them. Out of all the people in the world, why shall these two characters end up together? Their attractiveness to each other isn't enough.
There was one character aspect that came extremely left field. A supporting character had a fairly tragic past, and when it was introduced to the story it completely took me out it. It didn't belong in the world in which the author had created.
What happened was not something light, and that event was used as a way to break the leads up for a few chapters. I think it was a poorly executed plot device especially when it was such a heavy subject and didn't come up again.
Final Analysis
Another is an almost too slow of a book with an uninteresting romance.