Review: Clickbait by Lisa Suzanne
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After finishing Clickbait, I'm unsure about my feelings. I certainly did not hate the book, so I guess I'll settle with the standard "it was okay."
Clickbait centers on Courtney, a romance blogger, who randomly meets Carter King, the heir to a very successful company. Her first impression is that he's a jerk. But after he makes it his mission to purse her, she comes to realize that maybe he isn't so bad.
One of my main complaints with Clickbait is that it's extremely fast pace. Everything in this book felt like it moved at lightening speed. The plot. The romance. Everything. There was not gradual increase. It felt like a race, and unfortunately, I really didn't have time to enjoy the scenery.
Within the books, readers are told that there is such an attraction between Courtney and Carter. But unfortunately the book doesn't spend time building a believable relationship for them. There wasn't enough time soaking in their relationship or time to get to know them as individuals.
One thing that I did enjoy about Clickbait was the narrative. The book is told entirely through Courtney's POV and blog post. I find that to be an interesting creative choice. With Courtney's POV, it felt like a conversation and I thought that was nice. It was easy to read and inviting.
Final Anaylsis
Clickbait fails at establishing a memorable romance due to the fast pace and underdeveloped characters.