Review: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
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Every once in a while, you find a book that completely change your life. It’s groundbreaking, and after reading, you feel like a completely different person. Somehow better than you were before you had picked up the book. It’s a hard feeling to describe, but I definitely felt that after finished The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.
This is truly a groundbreaking book, and it is a privilege that our world was blessed with this glorious gift. I may sound overdramatic, but I’m being honest. This book changed my life. I’ve heard several rave about this book and after reading I completely get the hype. It was a great book.
The Hate U Give tells the story of Starr Carter and an unfortunate event that forever changes her life. Her childhood best friend, Khalil is tragically killed.
It’s an important and timely story that doesn’t stray away from the tough topics. This is an emotional book, and there were several times were I wanted to cry. It hit me hard in the feels. And really made me stop and take a moment to think about what I just read.
Like mentioned before, The Hate U Give deals with a sensitive and controversial topic. It warrants a conversation that needs to be had. The author handles the subject well. And her writing is incredibly beautiful. It felt real and honest. Almost conversational- like the main character was talking directly to the reader.
I loved Starr as a main character. I related to her drive and her desire to find the truth. She’s been through a lot and her strength was inspiring. There were several times when she could have stopped, but something inside of her kept her going. It amazing how much this character grew as the book continued.
I also loved Starr and her relationship to her family and friends. It was such a great dynamic that strengthened the book.
Final Analysis
The Hate U Give is a heartbreaking and emotional book about a serious topic. It’s a wonderful book, and one that everyone should read.