Review: Literally Me by Julie Houts
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I’m not note quite sure what to feel about Literally Me. On one hand, it was very aesthetically pleasing and on the other, I’m not quite sure that the author was trying to accomplish. It is definitely a hard book to describe. Is this book supposed to be an autobiography? Relatable? A self-help book? Because I’m not entirely sure.
I think it was supposed to be humorous, but I didn’t get the author’s humor. I don’t think I was the intended audience for this book, considering I have no idea who Julie Houts is. And I think that contributed to my lack of enjoyment and excitement for this book.
The book alternated from text to illustrations. And I found myself preferring the illustrations since I was not too fond of the writing style. The illustrations were pretty and there is no doubt that the author is a talented illustrator.
Final Analysis
Literally Me left me confused and very underwhelm. The book is aesthetically pleasing and the pictures are nice, but it lacks any real direction of purpose.