Review: The College Girl's Survival Guide: 52 Honest, Faith-Filled Answers to Your Biggest Concerns by Hanna Seymour
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Where was this book when I was going to college? I didn’t have the experiences that many other women had because I worked but for those absorbed in the college life, this is a resource book to keep handy. The College Girl’s Survival Guide is filled with tips, advice, faith driven inspirations and definitely guided by the feeling of having that big sister give you wisdom to avoid making mistakes.
This book is everything and anything you could think of that might come up before, during and after. Compiled together from women asking advice from everything from classes, roomates, dating, friendships, how to deal with transitioning from your family and so much more. Such an insightful book that will not only inspire but give you the tools you need to survive to tackle everything potential obstacles that might come your way.
Let me first say this from the start, the author wrote this book from a Christian perspective. Not preachy but throws in scriptures of inspiration. Don’t let this deter you from the book if you aren’t spiritual. She has many years of experience working with young women and gives a balanced perspective in the book that I feel is applicable to all areas of their college experience. She is positive, encouraging and really hits the nail on major situations that are relevant to young women entering college. The tagline really captures the essence of the experience of the book, “52 honest, faith-filled answers to your biggest concerns.”
Overall, I thought this was a wonderful resourceful book. I completely agree with the author that this book doesn’t have to be read in order. You can skip around to what’s relevant to you or what topics you want to connect with. I loved the girlfriend, bestie vibe that felt like your older sister talking to you during the book. I think this would be a great read for young women to read before going to college. I’d recommend checking this out.