Review: The Art of Inheriting Secrets by Barbara O'Neal
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To be honest, I didn’t want this book to end. Such a beauty from the cover through the end of the novel, it really was such a warm experience. You get swept away in a book that just keeps pulling you in unlayering secrets through the past and present of Oliva Shaw and finding answers through her grief in the hope of unlocking the mysteries secret lineage.
To the surprise of food editor Olivia Shaw, after the death of her mother, it was revealed to her that she inherited a Castle. Not just any castle, but one revered in that town but was rooted in many secrets and even said to have been cursed. A complete shock because there had never been any mention of this part of her mother’s life and to add to her grief the overwhelming surprise behind those walls lied many secrets left for her to discover on her own.
Growing up, unbeknownst to Olivia, her mother had a theme to her paintings. It wasn’t until she came to England where she made the connection, she slowly pieced together the puzzle that her mother left unspoken. Trying to adjust to this entirely different life, Olivia on this journey not only discovers a connection to her past but uncovers renewed perspective that changes her future and amends the past.
Overall, this was definitely one that you can just melt into. The plot of the book was really intriguing. I found myself almost flipping forward but I’m glad that I didn’t because everything revealed itself in the time it was meant to. There is a joy and beauty to the way she descriptively places the reader in the time and place as well as allow the characters to never disappoint. I love how the book ended because I think it brought everything home and leaves you fulfilled. If you get a chance, I’d recommend adding this to your reading list!