Review: What About Us by Emma Tharp
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If you read What About Her, than you know that the book ended with a shocker. I'm on the fence with saying that What About Us can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the first book before this to get an understanding of the backstory to fall into place for the why's to be answered in the second book. What About Us was unexpected with the plot twists and leaves me very satisfied with my unanswered questions.
What About Us, picks up from where it left off in book one. Never a dull a moment with some suprising plot twists that spiced up the book unexpectedly and makes things a little more interesting with secrets revealed from the past year that make Kate question everything. Her best friend has been missing for almost a year with no clues or information to what happened to her and then she gets a phone call that changes her life forever. In book two, everything comes out in the open and secrets get revealed that change everything. Most importantly, where does that leave Kate and River?
I'll admit, initially I wasn't a real fan of River and Kate during book one but I found myself taking a liking to them now. What happens at the end of book one influences the dynamic of their relationship and becomes a game changer by forcing them to make a decision that breaks their hearts in this book. The problem with this is when you make a decision to make someone else happy, you lose sight of the path of your own happiness. Kate has a hard time dealing with her choice, not to mention the added pressure of River not wanting to let go. Then something bad happens and it forces Kate to face what her heart really wants but can time heal their wounds.
Overall, I'm glad that I got the answers that I had desperately wanted to know. I wasn't expecting the story to go the way it did but really enjoyed where it went it. I really think that the secrets that get uncovered about Kate's best friend will really hit home with those who've gone through the same thing. This book really got deep in their heads and hearts which made it more likeable. If you haven't checked out book one, grab that one so you can catch up before you read this one.