Review: Bette and Joan: the Divine Feud by Shaun Considine
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I must admit that the feud between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford is something that I had only learned in 2017 because of the Ryan Murphy television show. Before then I was vaguely familiar with the two iconic actresses.
I picked up this book a couple of months ago on a whim. Hollywood is fascinating to me, and I figured I would give this a shot. And it is safe to say that I was not disappointed.
Bette and Joan: the Divine Feud drives into the lives and careers of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. The book also explores the famous feud between the two. The book is entertaining, enlightening, funny, and also a bit sad. Both Bette and Joan went through a lot to make it big and it is unfortunate that Hollywood was not always so kind to them. And it made me wonder if Bette and Joan would have this feud if they had been a part of this era in Hollywood. Things are much different than they were during their era.
Considine mentions both the good and the bad in the book. He tackles the “Mommie Dearest” rumors head on, and does not deliver a bias reports. Like the majority of the rumors within the book, he provides details from multiple sources to paint the picture for all angles.
Final Analysis
Bette and Joan: the Divine Feud gives an honest depiction of lives of two of Hollywood’s most iconic stars, while also tackling their famous feud.