Review: Then There Was You by Claire Contreras
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Overall, I did enjoy Then There Was You. I had a few minor issues with the book, which I explore later on. However, first I want to touch on the positives.
I thought Then There Was You had a nice pace. It never felt rushed and the author allowed for the moments to play out. Because of this I felt a strong attachment to the characters and was invested to their stories. I was completely sold on the romance between Rowan and Tessa. The two of them had amazing chemistry. In addition, I thought they were rounded characters, and I did enjoy them together and separately.
There’s a lot happening in this book; so it is hard to explain. But I will mention that this book is filled with angst. Sometimes that angst does cause you to have a bit of an emotional outbreak.
Then There Was You does end on a cliffhanger. And quite frankly, the cliff hanger felt anti-climactic and predictable. Many New Adults book have ended the same way and because of this I was a little annoyed when it happened in this book as well. Especially, because I do not feel that the book needed that kind of drama. There was already a balanced amount of drama, and it did not need more.
However, I will read the next book because I’m curious to see where the journey is going to lead Rowan and Tessa.
Final Analysis
Then There Was You is a book filled with angst and complex characters. It’s well written and a little addicting but it does feature an overdone and lack luster cliff hanger.