Review: The View From Rainshadow Bay by Colleen Noble

About the Book

After her husband, Jack, dies in a climbing incident, Shauna has only her five-year-old son and her helicopter charter business to live for. Every day is a struggle to make ends meet and she lives in constant fear of losing even more than she already has.

When her business partner is murdered, his final words convince Shauna that she’s in danger too. But where can she turn? Zach Bannister was her husband’s best friend and is the person she blames for his death. She’s barely spoken to him since. But right now he seems her only hope for protecting her son.

Zach is only too happy to assuage his guilt over Jack’s death by helping Shauna any way he can. But there are secrets involved dating back to Shauna’s childhood that more than one person would prefer to stay hidden.

In The View from Rainshadow Bay, suspense, danger, and a longing to love again ignite amid the gorgeous lavender fields of Washington State.


I'm always super critical  of the first book of a new series but I will gives this one a thumbs up. This is the first book in her A Lavender Tides series, which also was an introduction to the author for me reading her books. I was very pleased with the balance of content for her book. Impressive storytelling for a suspense thriller without having to be over the top. She really places the story right in front of you. This was a good start for me and are curious where this series will go. I have some hopeful prospects and eagerly anticipate what's to come.

We are introduced to lovely Shauna. She has gone through so much. She lost her husband to an accident that involved his best friend, Zach. Life has went on but she has been haunted by his loss but lives each day grateful for their son Alex and support of a few good friends. When one day her friend and mentor is tragically killed,  his last words ominous and haunting reveal concern for her safety. Not knowing what to do or where else to go, Shauna finds the only place that seems safe is Zach's. Can she put past the blame of him for her husband's death? In her determination to find answers, she finds herself on a dangerous path that puts her life in danger. As secrets are revealed, Shauna finds herself going down a dangerous trail of discovery that has the past and present collide with dire consequences.

Overall, The View From Rainshawdow Bay, was a simmered suspense that keeps you intrigued of whodunit. It was a mild suspense thriller that balanced a good story with elements of danger & thrills. Loved the dynamics of the relationships of Shauna and Zach. I'm definitely curious if they will be revisited later down the line. Some of those secrets would be worth exploring later on, just saying. This first book, you're left satisfied but curious to a few loose ends. Sometimes with thrillers they tend to get a bit dark with being to graphic but with this one, simple was just as good.You could visualize the story being played out without being bogged down with all the excess graphic stuff. Overall, I enjoyed this one and look forward to continuing on with the series. Here's another to consider for the tbr pile.