Review: My Mistletoe Mix Up by Judy Corry
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My Mistletoe Mix Up was a cute, innocence young adult romance novella. It delivered on all of the promises and managed to be sweet and entertaining.
My Mistletoe Mix Up centers on Raven Rodgers. At a party, she accidentally mistaken her crush, for his twin brother- the brother whom she dislikes. As the novel continues, she begins to realize that she might have fallen for the wrong brother. It is set in Christmas time which provides an extra dose of joy. It felt like a feel good Hallmark movie.
There was a serious topic that was mentioned within the book. The majority of the book is playful, and the serious topic was not introduced in an offensive nor humorous way. It was respectful.
Another thing that I enjoyed about My Mistletoe Mix Up was that there were no “villains” nor any unnecessary drama. It was a pretty straight to the point novella, that did not waste time on any unnecessary things. For example, if there was a misunderstanding, it was cleared up fairly fast without dragging it on.
Raven and Logan were cute characters and likable characters. Logan was not the typical YA “bad boy”, he was sweet and there was an extra layer about him. I really liked the fact that he was not a jerk.
Final Analysis
My Mistletoe Mix Up was a cute, quick, and fun Christmas read.