Review: Truth or Dare: A Bayfield High Romance by Madeleine Labitan
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This book was ridiculously short. It was only around 100 pages. And unfortunately, I had not read the summary so I was unaware that it was a novella; I thought it was a full book.
In retrospect, I would have liked for it to be longer. Especially, in turns of the romance between Kenzie and Sean. Although they have known each other for several years, I do believe that readers should be given a teeny little bit more backstory about the two and a chance to see their relationship develop. They have such an interesting and fun dynamic.
In essence, their whole relationship is them pulling pranks on each other. That alone has so much potential. If completed correctly and fleshed out more, that dynamic could create a fun, lighthearted book. But again, this is a short book, so it barely scratched the surface.
I will admit that although there was barely any backstory at all and that I have no sense of real connection to the characters, both Kenzie and Sean seemed likable. And I would be willing to read a full novel about them.
Final Analysis
Truth or Dare has potential to be a fun YA book , but unfortunately, it is limited by the page number.