Review: Uncharted by Julie Johnson

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This book gave me all the feels. I was happy. I was sad, and I even shed tears. Uncharted was an emotional rollercoaster that I didn’t expect. This is not a book full of fluff. It’s dark and raw. You can’t help but cry. Julie Johnson pulls no punches, she goes there without even flinching.

The details were incredible and it really feels like your experiencing the pain that the characters are going through. The story isn’t rushed. It takes its time and allows for you to experience the moments and the struggles. For example, there was one scene in particular that I had to stop and take a breather because I felt the physical pain that one character was going through.

Uncharted is a story about strangers who survive a plane crash and end up stranded on an uninhabited island. It’s a story about survival. It’s a story about love. It’s a story about finding yourself and having strength. It’s full of unexpected plot twist.

Although I spend the majority of reading the book holding my breath and close to tears, I really enjoyed this story. It was something that I’ve never read before, and also something that I will never forget. I feel like I could read it again sometime down the line.

I was a little upset when it ended, because there was so much more story to tell. And I do hope that Julie writes more because I wanted to know what happens to Violet and Beck next.


Violet was great character. I appreciated her drive and reasoning for wanting to escape her town. I do wish that there was a little more mentions of her father in the latter half of the book. He was mentioned a lot in the beginning, and I had hoped that he would have a stronger influence throughout the whole book.

It was interesting to see Beck and Violet grow from sort of enemies to eventually friends who literally have to count on each other to survive. Both Violet and Beck brought so much to the relationship and were a great team.

I do want to take a brief moment to mention the supporting characters. I won’t get into much details because of spoilers. But it is worth mentioning, that although they had a small presence and few scenes they left a lasting impact. I felt a connection to them.

Final Analysis

Unchartered is full of angst. Tissues are a must while reading. It’s a strong story with strong characters.