Review: Atheist Who Kneel & Pray by Tarryn Fisher
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This book was almost a four star read for me. Almost. I whole heartily enjoyed reading it. I was immediately draw in with this captivating writing style and mysterious opening. I laughed. I felt something and a connection to the characters and their love story. I rooted for them, and wanted a happy ending.
My problem started within the second half of the book. In many forms of storytelling, there is always something to keep the main leads apart. You gotta keep it interesting. And this story was no different. Unfortunately, this story went in a direction that didn’t set well with me.
The jealousy aspect was completely overwhelming and the whole love triangle felt weak. It was annoying. It was unnecessary drama that felt eye roll worthy. Yara had a complicated life, I’m sure something else could have been used to keep her and David apart.
I liked Yara. She wasn’t a perfect human being and had questionable motives. She was a narcissist but all and all I liked her. She was well fleshed out, and it was interesting that she could never stay in a place long.
I liked David as well. He wasn’t your typical New Adult character. He was sweet, and not controlling at all. You could really tell he had a big heart. Like Yara, he made some questionable choices. But unlike her, when he made those choices he felt a little out of character.
David and Yara were great together, but at the same time they were not. I don’t think it was unintentional that the author sprinkled tiny moments where their relationship was unhealthy in the book. It definitely was not an abusive relationship but it felt obsessive at times. But it was great to see both of the characters overcome that and find this beautiful end.
Although there were many big moments between the two, the small moments were just as important. And the relationship between them is what makes this book so special. You want to read about how things turn out between them and how they end up.
It was a little unfortunate how the reunion between the two turned out. It was a weak transition, and readers deserved a little more after setting through endless amounts of drama and heartbreak for these two characters.
Final Analysis
Atheists Who Kneel & Pray started off captivating and strong but unnecessary drama and an unclear direction weakened it. It is still a good read with a great love story and strong characters.