Review: Preston’s Honor by Mia Sheridan
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I enjoyed Preston’s Honor. However, I didn’t love it. It felt very slow at times. This was especially true in regards to the scenes that take place in the past. I get that the author was trying to show the relationship between Cole, Lia, and Preston when they were younger; I just wish that she spent less time on it.
This book is filled with angst. There were few fluff moments. Also, this book had one too many deaths. The second death felt cheap and only done to further the plot and postpone the romance.
I did enjoy that the author had some diversity. And along with the diversity, she also tackled the issues that they face in society, while also adding in some of their culture.
The characters were well written and flawed. They a little unlikable sometimes in the novel. I do appreciate that they dealt with real problems and were not perfect. However, their behavior tended to be off putting sometimes. For example, Preston gets mad at an old high school bully and threatens to release “lewd” photos of her to every guy in town. He didn’t, but he was serious and would have done it. That crossed a line for me because he’s supposed to be charming and basically a sweetheart.
The sort of love triangle between the characters felt unnecessary. I would have liked if the Cole and Preston sibling rivalry had been with something else.
Preston and Lia were cute together. Miscommunication was a huge obstacle for them. I’m glad they worked it out; however, the miscommunication stood in the way for some of the romance to be seen.
Final Analysis
Preston’s Honor is an enjoyable angst filled read. The characters are likable and real; however, at times they could be extremely unlikable. It did drag on, but it does have a nice romance.