Review: Sweet Pursuits by Pauline Wiles
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Sweet Pursuits was definitely a fun read that will hit home for every woman out there. This book got me so riled up, I wanted to reach in the book and smack the main character. You know that friend that gets screwed over by a guy and they try to rationalize for him? You know, blames herself when it wasn't her fault? I think we have all been in Bella's shoes. Some of us are constantly there and others maybe for a moment in time. Who hasn't chased after the wrong guy?
I'm not judging those people in a relationship for many years but Bella was with a guy for six years and guess what? He didn't marry her. So naturally when she thought he was going to propose, he accepted a job in another country. Without a second thought, never looked back. Where does that leave her? No answers and no explanations. Ugh...
So, what does she do? Well, this is where she drove me crazy which made this book all the more interesting. Not only had he been gone but she held on the hope that he would come back. That's fine and all but after an extended period of time, you have to put him in the jerk category. I know it sucks to have your heart broken but I wouldn't want to invest another breath on him. By the way, his name is Owen but I won't mention him because he isn't worth it. When you read, you'll see why. Trust me, Karma comes back in a moment in the book that if every woman could have, it would be awesome.
So, by some chance, he comes back around to the area for his job. Bella gets so determined to not let him get away again that she comes up with a plan to get him to notice her every possible chance she gets. As she tries harder with no luck, her journey leads her down a path that only Bella can decide her fate and in the process learns a hard introspective lesson that opens opportunities for a life she didn't know she could have.
Sweet Pursuits was the definite chick lit. The characters in the book were so awesome that I could see them playing out on the screen. It sort of had a Bridget Jones aura about it, like she could be her cousin. Just like so many of the British comedies, it has a nature humor that had me rolling in laughter at times. You can't help but fall completely in love with the characters because they were relatable and really brought life to the book. The supporting plots of the book complemented so well the supporting relationships that they had with one another. It definitely had some great moments that were takeaways that people could relate and feel connected. I really think you'll enjoy this book, so add it to you tbr pile!