Review: Eyes Wide Open by Isaac Lidsky

As I read Eyes Wide Open, all I could think about was how not a day in my life to come will I ever complain about anything that I can't do. That word will be completely erased from any possibilities that I even hesitate to attempt. This is the type of book that I hope would be the catalyst for any ambitions that you have been held back by whether it was fear or lack of confidence to see that there is literally nothing that can hold you back to achieving the life you want but yourself.

We, those who are fortunate to have all their senses functional, take for granted what we have. In so many lives, we are limited, held back or just don't to work towards achieving goals just because. When you have people like Isaac, who gradually lost his sight to blindness and has led the life he has, there is no excuse for anyone for any reason, at any time. 

I'm truly moved and inspired by his candor, his introspective acceptance towards his limitations but at the same time not allowing it to cripple his life. This insightful book gives readers a voice and perspective that needs to be heard and his experience to be seen a triumph not a tragedy. Losing his sight at such a prime age and contemplating such loss, as Joel Osteen would say he became “a victor, not a victim.” He found love, graduated from Harvard, worked as a clerk for the Supreme Court and revitalized a business that led to such great success. 

Eyes Wide Open, is thought provoking, insightful drawing on his experience giving some great advice on how to overcome our obstacles. Reading this book through his perspective will definitely give you some food for thought and hopefully broaden your mind to endless possibilities and a renewed spirit for hope.