Review: Brake Failure by Alison Brodie
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Here's the summary of the book:
“Is it too late to tell him you love him when you are looking down the barrel of his gun?”
An English debutante transforms from Miss-Perfectly-Correct to criminally insane as she breaks the bonds of her rigid upbringing. Sheriff Hank Gephart tries to reel her in - but she’s out of control and she’s not hitting the brakes.
What happened to the genteel lady in twin-set and pearls? And why did she shoot Mr Right?
Brake Failure is set in 1999 in the months leading up to Y2K “meltdown” when the US government was spending $150 billion preparing for Armageddon As Lionel Shriver says in her novel, We Have To Talk About Kevin: "1999, a year widely mooted beforehand as the end of the world."
This is one of those books that remind me of the chocolate with a delicious flavor in the middle, the more you eat towards the center, it just bursts in your mouth with flavor. For me personally, I felt my interest in the book increased as I read more of the story because the plot twits really kept me guessing and pushed my curiosity to want to read more. I will admit in the beginning I wasn't sure how I was going to feel because I thought it was going to go differently but it ended up being a pleasant surprise.
First of all, I haven't laughed like this is awhile. There were so many laugh out loud moments that made this such a fun ride. This book had a different appeal. Like I said before, it's was a gradual appeal led made me to not want to stop reading. Ruby was such a rockstar in this book and you can't help rooting for her even though she went from good girl to girls gone wild. To see someone experience that much pain and everything she went through to claiming and defining her life was an awesome ride to take with her. Don't get me started on Claire, her stepsister. Not a fan of her throughout the book but towards the end earned some redemption when some major aspects of their lives unfolded giving the reader their ahah moment.
Finding love, friendships and identity really drove some of the major aspects of the book. It really took me back to Y2K. I remember all the craziness everyone felt, so that was a blast from the blast. Overall, I thought the book was a really fun read that will definitely keep your interest. I'm looking forward to reading her other books and hope that you add this fun one to your tbr!