Review: Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
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3 Stars
If I had to choose one word to describe this book I would say, fluff. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I did not expect to be reading about tough and dark subjects. Sometimes you need a little fluff; and after having a reading slump, fluff is fantastic. It is a nice ease back into reading. Well, at least for me.
This may sound weird, but this book was a no commitment- no strings attached kind of read. What I mean is that you read it and you’re done. There is a very small chance that you will be thinking about the characters or the plot. There are no sequels or prominent character development to draw you back into the book’s universe. Again, this is not a bad thing. Like mentioned earlier, this book is great to get you out of a reading slump.
Even as a teenager, I enjoyed the premise of two people entering a pretend relationship for whatever reason. It is a simple plot, but if done well it can be very amazing. It is always exciting to watch them slowly realize that they have feelings for each other.
Even though this trope can be overused and predictable, it never gets old. It is always entertaining to me, and this is the main reason I was drawn to this book. I thought it was done well in this book. I liked that they were friends beforehand, however, I would have preferred if there was not a love triangle. Granted, it was not as prominent but it still felt unnecessary. It sort of came out of nowhere, and I do not think the plot benefited in any way because of it.
Sally was not my favorite main character, but she was not my least. I liked how confident she was. She knew exactly who she was. Sally was a dork. I mean this in the most lovingly way possible. I consider myself a dork, and it was nice to read about a character who was one as well. I loved that she was a fan of the X-Men. I watched X-Men Evolution cartoon growing up, so that was another thing that took me back to my younger days.
One of my favorite things about this book was the references to Pop Culture. To me, it makes the story feel more realistic because it makes it fit perfectly in our world. I prefer references to common Pop Culture than to an author making their own. It is just easier to keep up with, and we already have a basic knowledge of it.
Becks was sweet and adorable. He was good to Sally. Their relationship was cute. They were close before the relationship started so we did not need that bonding time. Instead, most of the time could be spent with the characters in cute and light moments.
However, their reason for breaking up was a little weak. I personally did not think it was that serious, and I was expecting something bigger to break them up. But because of the lack of a huge climax, it did make the book easier to wrap up with a nice little cherry on top.
Final Analysis
Adorkable is a cute read without any real angst or serious topics. The romance is adorable, however, the miscommunication between the characters is frustrating. But all and all, this book is something that could end the dreadful reading slump.