Review: Keep Me Still by Caisey Quinn
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This book wasn’t for me. And it’s sad but not every book is going to be the one . I didn’t hate this book; it had a few cute moments that touched my soul. But the cons outweighed the pros.
This was a short book. And if I’m being honest, it felt like it dragged on. I really had to force myself to finish it. This can partly be due to the fact that the pacing was extremely fast. About by the 11% mark so much stuff had happened that made it feel like the book was already over. It was too many conflicts squeezed into a tiny book.
But back to the pacing, everything was fast. The plot, their love story, and the conflict resolution. The story didn’t have time to fully develop smoothly.
Another problem I ran into was that a lot of important things happened off screen and the reader is left in the dark with some important developments. I was constantly checking to see if I had skipped a page or two, because the scenes were not there. It felt like the book skipped around.
This usually isn’t a problem for me, but throughout the book I found out things the same time as Layla. This book has two POV’s, but Landon’s POV seemed to be lacking and withholding information from the reader. I would have let it slide if it had happened once, but it had happened multiple times.
They were usually revealed in Layla’s POV which cause Landon’s feelings or internal reaction toward the situation to be hidden.
This book wasn’t overly filled with clichés, which was nice. It had a few original aspects to it.
I didn’t have time to fall for these characters, and I didn’t understand their decisions. Layla was a decent main character. I didn’t have any major issues with her. I felt like her relationship with her aunt could have been shown more than told. The connection that I was told they had, wasn’t there.
Landon was portray as the ‘Knight in Shining Armor”, which I wasn’t okay with. I did read the second novella, and I must admit that Landon’s actions made me like him less. It also changed my perspective about their relationship.
I didn’t hate Landon and Layla together. And actually I really enjoyed how their relationship started. It was cute. And I loved that he brought her milkshakes. It’s just that everything happened quickly. I wish there was a little bit more buildup so I could see their relationship develop more. They had their cute moments. And at the beginning of the book, they both acted a little immature for their age.
Final Anaylsis
Keep Me Still attempts to be raw and emotional but fast pacing contributes to its downfall. The lack of information given is frustrating at times, but the novella does offer a cute relationship and a happy ending. I would recommend this to someone who wants a fast novella to read.