Review: This Summer by Katlyn Duncan
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This Summer was a cute light read. It could be read in a day, which I really liked. It’s something that you could bring to the beach with you. It’s definitely a summer read. This book won’t send you into an ugly sobbing mess, but it will help you complete that reading goal and witness a cute relationship.
This book did tackle some serious issues. I don’t want to say too much because it would be spoilers, but the author did do it justice. However, the book wasn’t overly dark.
The main complaint that I have is that the Hadley and Will’s POV sounded similar. At some points, I was confused about whose voice I was reading. I had to really pay attention to the chapter heads.
I didn’t really have an issue with the pacing. It wasn’t overly slow or fast. There were a few things that felt out of place, but not too many.
The characters were likable. I liked Hadley and Will’s relationship. They were cute. Some of their issues could have be solved earlier with a little communication, but the drama between them didn’t last too long. It was a healthy relationship; and it wasn’t boring. There was just the right amount of angst thrown in there.
I do wish that there was more description/backstory to Will and Hadley’s relationship from when they were younger. In general, I wish the author had included more backstory.
I did have a few issues with Hadley and Lily’s friendship. I didn’t really see the friendship between them. I wish that it had been showcased a little bit stronger. And I didn’t really agree with Lily’s actions towards the end.
I absolutely did not like Carter. I wish that he would have not been as prominent in the book as he was. I was extremely happy that Carter and Hadley’s relationship had been over before the book started.
This is random but I wish that Hadley’s mother had been in the book a little more.
Final Analysis
This Summer was a quick and easy read. It was predicable at most times, but that didn’t take away from the experience. It showed healthy relationships and a nice relaxing summer. One of the biggest issues, is that the POV’s of the two main characters were a little bit similar, which in turn, could possibly cause the reader to be confused about who’s POV they were in. All and all, it was an enjoyable summer read and the happy ending could leave the reading feeling as if the story was complete.
<i> I received a free copy for an honest review. </i>