Review: How to Disappear by Ann Redisch Stampler
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About the Book
This electric cross-country thriller follows the game of cat and mouse between a girl on the run from a murder she witnessed—or committed?—and the boy who’s sent to kill her.
Nicolette Holland is the girl everyone likes. Up for adventure. Loyal to a fault. And she’s pretty sure she can get away with anything...until a young woman is brutally murdered in the woods near Nicolette’s house. Which is why she has to disappear.
Jack Manx has always been the stand-up guy with the killer last name. But straight A’s and athletic trophies can’t make people forget that his father was a hit man and his brother is doing time for armed assault. Just when Jack is about to graduate from his Las Vegas high school and head east for college, his brother pulls him into the family business with inescapable instructions: find this ruthless Nicolette Holland and get rid of her. Or else Jack and everyone he loves will pay the price.
As Nicolette and Jack race to outsmart each other, tensions—and attractions—run high. Told in alternating voices, this tightly plotted mystery and tense love story challenges our assumptions about right and wrong, guilt and innocence, truth and lies.
I enjoyed this book. It was a nice, interesting read. It was easy to get into, and I wasn’t angered or bored with it. It isn’t a perfect book, but the issues I have with the book are minor.
The plot was unique, and I liked that. However, I wouldn’t necessary say it was as thrilling as it wanted to be. Also, there wasn’t too much action. I think that if the book was longer, there could have been more action and mystery thrown in.
The story was definitely fast paced and that didn’t bother me at all. It went well with the type of story that was being told. Something that bothered me just a tad was the ending. It didn’t feel like a solid ending. A “One Year Later” could easily change my feelings toward it.
I liked both main characters. If I’m being honest, I liked Jax a little more than Nicolette. I found his backstory to be a little bit more interesting. And speaking of backstories, I wish there had been a little bit more backstory to both characters. However, not having a few answers to my questions didn’t take away from the story. The backstory that was given was good.
I really enjoyed Nicolette and Jax together. They were so cute. My only complaint here is that I wish there had been more pages with them together. Having a few extra pages would have made the love story not seem so fast.
Another complaint I have about character’s arc is that Olivia, Nicolette’s best friend, was mentioned regularly in the first half of the book, but was completely dropped in the second. A nice consistent friendship would be nice.
Final Analysis
How to Disappear is a good book, however, it is missing a few thrills and action. There are some minor plot holes, but they can easily be overlooked and aren’t too frustrating. The story is unique and the characters aren’t perfect. It’s a nice, fast paced book which can be read in one day.