Spotlight: Moonlight Rip Tide by Yurie Kiri

(Murder and Magic, #4)

Publication date: September 5th 2023

Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Thriller


Want to go for a ride in a classic car? Park by the ocean? Sounds nice huh?

Mona found the man and his car, a beautiful, old Ferrari, very attractive. Sure, she’d go for a ride with him to look at the ocean, the party was boring anyway. Maybe by the time they got back things would liven up a bit…

She felt the bag tighten around her neck, cutting off her air supply. This cannot be happening. She gasped and struggled, but it was no use. He was as strong as he was classically handsome, a real Hollywood leading man type. Everything went dark as she lost consciousness, her last thought was about the mistake she’d made threatening to tell Danny’s wife…

Susan felt that someone was stalking her. She’d gotten several strange calls attempting to make appointments for private exercise and aerobics lessons. Dicky and the cops had wrecked her apartment and she needed to work to get a new place but she was afraid to take on an unknown client. What should she do?

“Get in the car or your pregnant friend is dead!” he said hoarsely. Susan must save Anne, but how?

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About the Author

Yurie Kiri's novel Moonlight Beach won the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival's award for Genre Fiction. The second book of the series is called Moonlight Canyon and the third book is called Moonlight Rocks. 

Yurie Kiri’s novel Moonlight Beach is packaged in Moonlight Duology with its sequel Moonlight Canyon. "Moonlight Duology" has been selected as the winner in the "Sequels" category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival. These two books have been described as something like Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan..." combined with Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" only more intense.

Yurie Kiri is currently working on the next book in the series which may be called "Moonlight Riptide" since nothing is more dangerous than getting caught in a riptide at night. This book, tentatively to be released in the fall of 2023, will pit Susan and her friends against Moonlights Rocks' Sam and his evil buddies. It will be a classic good versus evil story that will keep you guessing until the last page.

In Yurie Kiri's Tokyo Games, the game character drags the player into a malevolent web of corrupt politicians, despotic religious orders, and ancient, flesh-eating mythological monsters. Yurie's novel Osaka Games, the second book in the Games series won the 2022 Beach Book Festival's award for Genre Fiction. Like in Tokyo Games the game character gets dragged into battles with gangsters, corrupt businessmen and Samurai ghosts while struggling to deal with body swappers.

New York Stories, Yurie's most recent book was the winner of "Unpublished" fiction category in 2022 New England Book Festival. An Entrada Publishing - Beta Reader said, "I loved the feel of the story and the pacing. It [New York Stories] is unique and a little quirky, while tackling ideas that are very possible in today’s society.... 

Yurie Kiri is a shy, secretive person who lives on a boat, cruising between various ports in the Pacific Ocean. Sailing, writing, and photography are Yurie's primary passions. Since Yurie's beloved cat, Fluffy, knows where all the bodies are buried, she's not allowed to leave Yurie's sight. 
