Spotlight: Y'allywood Billionaire by Terra Weiss

An accidental naked entanglement lands actress, Riley Glenn, in a fake off-screen romance with her obnoxious co-star, Maddox Winter. Their pretend engagement starts to feel like the only real thing in their cinematic lives… until their secret is revealed and threatens their relationship–on and off screen. Readers who love Claire Kingsley and Tessa Bailey will fall head-over-heels for Y’allywood Billionaire by Terra Weiss, a steamy, billionaire, celebrity, grumpy/sunshine, enemies-to-lovers, fake dating romantic comedy.

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Co-stars. Fake lovers. Real enemies.

I’ve landed my dream debut role on the TV crime series, Urban Dawn, but my co-star and on-screen beau, Maddox Winter, barely knows I exist. He’s too busy with his gold-digging arm candy—usually D-listers trying to make it in Y’allywood, Atlanta’s hot cinematic scene.

So what if he’s sexy as hell? I’m thrilled to see my name, Riley Glenn, at the top of the credits…even if the media has launched a smear campaign against me.

When an accidental naked entanglement lands Maddox and me on the cover of Love Buzz, the news spreads like norovirus on a cruise ship. With ratings skyrocketing, our director casts us into a faux relationship, and my wackadoodle godmother steps in to help out.

Sprinkling my gram's ashes in Scotland, I experience a new Maddox who brews my coffee and carries me through a field of cow pies. Oddly, our pretend relationship feels like the only real thing in our lives.

But when our secret drops, it could be the end of our act, on and off screen.

Y'allywood Billionaire is a witty, heartfelt stand-alone romcom mystery with adult language and steamy, open-door chemistry that will have you rooting for a happily-ever-after.


Copyright 2024 Terra Weiss

I’m not a stripper, but I play one on TV. At least, today I do.

I’m nervous as hell walking on set, a darkened private lap dance room which is actually not-so-private with the droves of lighting engineers, costume designers, makeup artists, writers, and cinematographers swarming around. Our director, Smith Cameron, looms everywhere like an omnipresent puppet master.

“C’mon, people—let’s get it right.” Smith is irked—this is take six. He flashes me his resting prick face. “Work that pole, Riley. Be the pole.”

“Be the pole,” I echo. My character, Lexi Bryce, is an FBI agent who’s undercover, acting as a stripper.

When Smith calls, “Action,” colored lights flash and swanky music plays. Forcing my lips into a sultry smile, I greet my pretend client—my hotshot co-star, Maddox Winter, who’s my partner on the show. His character, Agent Knox Sullivan, is also undercover, wearing a tight blue dress shirt that shows off his rock-hard chest and brings his crystalline eyes to life.

Sure, I’m attracted to him—who isn’t? An ex-producer, he’s now TV’s golden boy after his breakout role in this summer’s Bingeflix blockbuster, Bladelands. But off-set, Maddox Winter’s got all the warmth of liquid nitrogen.

My half-naked body hovers over his, and I flash him a wicked smile as I stroke his hard pecs under his thin shirt. Stepping between his legs, I bend into him again, giving him the scripted eyeful of my glistening breasts. “Still think I’m a nine?”

He looks up at me with his on-screen signature smirk. “Eh. Nine point five.” Although his button-pushing words are part of the script, the huskiness of his voice is new.

I tug his hair and pull his head back. Nuzzling his neck, I say, “Wrong answer.”

“You smell so damn good.” Maddox, or Agent Sullivan, closes his eyes.

“Glad to make you happy, baby.” Man, this is getting steamy—Smith should be pleased. As I slide down Maddox’s body, I expect him to look away, but he holds my gaze. I swiftly move back up, making sure my chest rubs against his. I stop at his face to trace his jawline with the tip of my nose. Even though I’m acting, I have to say, I enjoy being in control. Maybe a little too much.

When I feel his chest rise and fall beneath me, my breath hitches. And when a bulge threatens to burst from the zipper of his pants, I swallow hard. That’s clearly not part of the script.

I feel a deep satisfaction at the thought of torturing him, and it causes me a momentary brain lapse. 

Focus. Standing and turning away from him, I lower myself until I hover over his lap. When I accidentally dip too low and brush over Maddox’s bulge, electricity shoots through me. He slips a bill into the side of my thong, and the touch of his fingertips makes my mind go hazy.

I turn back, and Maddox’s chilly eyes somehow burn into me, fragmenting my thoughts. I slide down his body again, pressing harder against him. When I make another quick pass over his zipper—this time intentionally—I surprise myself.

On beat with the music, I roll my shoulders back and sway my hips as I move downward.

“Oh, yeah,” Maddox moans, his eyes blazing. At this point, I have no idea if he’s acting or not.

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About Terra Weiss 

Terra Weiss is a romcom author with a knack for witty banter and gift for capturing authentic family dynamics. Readers love how her stories steer away from typical romcom cookie-cutter formulas and show how real-life people find real-life love.

When Terra's not spilling the tea on what happens in the big and small towns that live in her heart, you'll find her with her spunky daughter, mad scientist husband, wacky and wonderful mother, and the two six-pound dogs that run her house. She enjoys jogging at a snail's pace, reading from her iPhone, and piling bright orange mountains of squeezy cheese on her crackers.

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Spotlight: Buried Roots by Terra Weiss

Publication date: September 5th 2023

Genres: Adult, Comedy, Mystery, Romance


I might’ve found my own grave.

Or not, but I don’t have time to figure it out. A perfect stranger willed me his neglected fifty-acre farm, and now, this New Yorker has two weeks to get it sell-ready. With a business to run, I can’t stay in this boondock town a second longer.

But I’ve got it handled—even after a series of suspicious property mishaps. Even after the threatening notes.

My veterinarian neighbor Owen Brooks shows up with a sledgehammer, a wicked sexy smile, and Demon, his appropriately named foster bulldog. But after losing my family, I only rely on myself.

That doesn’t stop Owen and the town of Violet Moon from showing up for me. Maybe family isn’t just blood.

Owen and I can’t deny our magnetic connection as we restore the historic estate. But the more we dig, the more my disturbing buried roots surface. I have to confront that grave… and my bombshell family secret.

*Buried Roots is a grittier, heartfelt romcom mystery with adult language and steamy, open-door chemistry that will have you rooting for a happily-ever-after.


I approach my car, and everything around me is echoey and out of focus. I just have to take one step at a time, the first being to get this car out of the ditch.

A windowless white van slows to a crawl as it swerves around me. Nerves clench in my gut as the driver pulls onto the shoulder just up ahead. A stranger driving a kidnap van in this desolate place? Hell no! I already have a raging fear of the woods.

When the driver steps out, I grip the pepper spray on my key ring. So what if he’s got a killer bod and shock of black hair? Who cares if he’s wearing a faded t-shirt and rugged jeans, like some Hallmark movie hottie? I know better than to be fooled by looks.

I check the highway, scanning for other cars. Of course, this country road is empty. When he gets closer, I see the oily black streaks on his face, the filth on his hands, and the dirt on his clothes. And he’s wearing mismatched neon socks. That has to be ironic, no? But his smile is wicked sexy when he says, “Can I help you, ma’am?”

Ma’am? Is he for real? I force a smile and a wave when I say, “No, thank you. I’ve got it.” Translation: don’t come an inch closer.

“You’ve got it?” His voice is incredulous.

“Yup. All good.”

His eyes bulge as he stops and glances at my stuck tire. “All good? Looks like you’re in a bit of a pickle.”

On closer inspection, he has muscles everywhere, and the light scruff on his carved jawbone is annoyingly sexy. Which again, will not stop me from pepper spraying his fine ass. Hello, stranger danger—in the middle of nowhere. “Pickle? Nah.”

He rakes a hand through his hair. “Look, this isn’t a sexist thing. I have a mother and three sisters who could kick everyone’s ass. But this road doesn’t see much action, and I can’t leave someone out here.”

“I appreciate that, I really do. But I won’t be stuck long—I’m handy.” That’s a stretch. I restore homes, so I am handy, but with cars, I only know the basics.

He raises a brow as he studies my face. “Handy or not, getting a car out of a ditch is a two-person job. At least.” He cocks his head and hitches up his voice a notch when he adds, “Out here, there’s no Triple A.”

“I don’t need Triple A. But thank you.”

His lips quirk up as they appear to search for a response. “Once I leave, you might not see another car for hours.”

“I’ll figure it out. I’m a New Yorker.”

“Ah. That explains it.”

My hand lands on my hip. “Explains what, exactly?”

“Nothing.” His mouth curves in a patronizing grin.

His amusement pisses me off. It’s really hard not to sound condescending when I say, “I’m sure you’ve got places to be.”

He hesitates before he hitches his thumb over his shoulder. “Okay, then. I’m leaving.”

Our gazes lock, like we’re in a game of eye-chicken. That’s fine, bring it—I don’t mind studying his. They’re part ocean, part storm cloud—sparkle tinged with despair. Like mine. I don’t look away, don’t blink when I say, “I see that, and good for you. Enjoy your day.”

He steps away in defeat. “I’m really leaving this time. You’ll be out here in the backwoods. All by yourself.” Another step back. “When you could have a mechanically inclined, super handy guy give you a hand.”

I put my palms up. “Again—mechanically inclined, super handy hands right here.” I wiggle my fingers and paint on a smile. “Sir.”

“All righty, then. Good luck.” That grin is back. “Ma’am.”

I hate to admit it, but damn it, smug is sexy on him. Our gazes lock again, and I enjoy looking at his smile, looking at him. Forget eye candy—this country boy… or man, with distinguished light creases on his temples—is more of an exquisite eye confection.

And now, I’m staring. I attempt to run my fingers through my auburn hair, which I’ve forgotten is bobby-pinned. My hand gets stuck, and I try to play it off as a head scratch.

He waves. “I’m Owen Brooks, by the way. It was nice meeting you.”

“You too.” I’m not giving him my name. I point at his feet and say, “Nice neon socks, by the way.”

That smug grin is back when he runs a hand over his dirt-stained tee. “Pulling this look together wasn’t easy.”

I smile, and for the first time, it’s genuine.

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About the Author

Terra Weiss is a romcom author with a knack for witty banter and gift for capturing authentic family dynamics. Readers love how her stories steer away from typical romcom cookie-cutter formulas and show how real-life people find real-life love.

When Terra's not spilling the tea on what happens in the big and small towns that live in her heart, you'll find her with her spunky daughter, mad scientist husband, wacky and wonderful mother, and the two six-pound dogs that run her house. She enjoys jogging at a snail's pace, reading from her iPhone, and piling bright orange mountains of squeezy cheese on her crackers.

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