Spotlight: The Mystery of Alan Norman McBride by Sarah Fader

Publication date: November 30th 2018
Genres: Mystery, Young Adult

Pam and Emily are two sisters who live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Emily is a born investigator and is notorious for eavesdropping on conversations she hears on the streets of New York City. One Saturday, the sisters happen to overhear two gangsters planning the murder of millionaire Alan Norman McBride. They decide it is their duty to warn McBride and stop the murderers in their tracks!


This particular Saturday, while out on their usual “Saturday walk,” Emily and Pam stopped at the corner store to get some Pepsi. Or at least they were going to go into the store when, from around the corner, they suddenly heard an interesting conversation that stopped them in their tracks:

“AlL right. You can't tell this to nobodiiii! Do ya heear me Dino?”

“Gotcha, Big Al!”

“OK we go to the old guy's house and we pretend that we are da window clenahs. But the real reason we will be there is to do the plan. Which of course is to kill McBride.”

“Why we gonna kill McBride, Big Al?”

“Dino, you dumbo! For the recipe and for the money!”


“Shut upa you mouth! You want everyone ta know? You so loud, even Mama Sistina can hear ya all the way in Sicilia!”

Pam and Emily were just around the corner listening, and Emily was jotting everything down furiously with her quick little hands.

“Anyway Dino I want to give you the address so that you won’t forget it. Here it is Dino. Dino? HEY! Get a pen, you idiot! OK: Alan Norman McBride, 235 Maple Drive, Mapleton, Connecticut. Don't forget that we are gonna whack him on November 16th. In uthah words, next Saturday. Anyway, hey, let’s get a move on.”

Those were the last words the girls overheard, as the two thugs must have started to walk down the block and away from the corner store.

Pam and Emily stood there transfixed, astonished by what they had just heard.

“Emily...” Pam said slowly, “We just overheard the planning of a murder!”

“Like DUH! Of course we did. And I wrote it all down. Every last word!”

“That's it, Em! You're a genius!”

“What? What?” Emily asked.

“WE can solve the murder.”

Emily looked at Pam like she was crazy.

“This is what happens to you when you watch

too much TV, Pam.”

Pam frowned. “I'M SERIOUS!”

Emily thought: What a crazy idea. Stopping a murder? Those guys sounded dumb, but they probably had weapons and they were certainly mean. But, then again, if Pam and I are very sneaky and veeeery careful...

“OK! Let’s do it!”

So they walked home thinking about

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About the Author

Sarah Fader is the CEO and Founder of Eliezer Tristan Publishing Company, where she is dedicated to sharing the words of authors who endure and survive trauma and mental illness. She is also the CEO and Founder of Stigma Fighters, a non-profit organization that encourages individuals with mental illness to share their personal stories. She has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Quartz, Psychology Today, The Huffington Post, HuffPost Live, and Good Day New York.

Sarah is a native New Yorker who enjoys naps, talking to strangers, and caring for her two small humans and two average-sized cats. Like six million other Americans, Sarah lives with Bipolar type II, OCD ADHD, and PTSD. Through Stigma Fighters, Sarah hopes to change the world, one mental health stigma at a time.
