Spotlight: Bourbon Street Bachelor by Melissa Chambers

Publication date: October 24th 2023

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Calliope’s been hurt too many times to let another man in, but Quentin Broussard’s about to turn her world upside down.

Calliope Koch sat on top of the world back in high school. Her dad treated her like a princess, so she believed she was one. Every guy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her. But oh, how the mighty do fall…

Fast forward fourteen years, and Calliope has lost her father to another family. She’s been dumped more times than she can count. The only thing keeping her going is the dream of running her own clothing boutique. But the same guy who caused one of those breakups is taking that dream from her.

It’s Quentin Broussard, the older, artistic, mysterious Broussard brother who left home when he was eighteen. Three years ago, he called her quirky and convinced his brother to break up with her. Now he’s back in New Orleans and trying to take something from her once again.

She won’t fall victim to another Broussard brother’s smooth moves, no matter how hard this one’s knocking on her door. And she’ll try to ignore the fact that he’s making her feel like the princess she once believed she was.


He narrowed his gaze. “I remember something from that night we first met.”

She gave him a look like she was warning him not to go there, but there was also something in her eyes that told him to proceed forward.

“We had a connection.”

She gave him half a smile through pursed lips. “Oh, okay. Sure. Is this the same connection you have with those repeat customers you were talking about before?”

“I think you felt it, too,” he said, taking a risk.

“I was dating your brother at the time.”

“I know. That’s why I excused myself from our conversation.”

She furrowed her brow.

“I’m not making this up. I felt something.”

She rolled her eyes, and then gave him a look, trying to hold back a smile.

“Didn’t you feel it, too?” he asked.

“You’re calling me a cheater?”

“It’s not cheating to feel a spark with someone else.”

“With your boyfriend’s brother? I’d say it is,” she said.

“Then would you say you cheated on Braxton?”

She huffed a laugh. “You’re insane.”

“I might be a little bit.”

She shook her head at him. “I don’t know why you’re trying so hard here. I told you I’m a mess.”

“Maybe that’s what I like about you,” he said.

“Is that your thing? Fixing the wings of broken little birds?”

He considered her. “I’m not aware that I have a thing. I just know I was really disappointed when you didn’t show up over there today.”

She stared at him a bit longer and then stood up. “I think you should go.”

He stayed seated, looking up at her, trying to stop himself from saying the next words that were begging to come out of his mouth, because he never did this, but he actually wanted to this time. “Let me take you on a date.”

She motioned toward the door. “Go back to your party.”

“I’m having way more fun here.”

She rubbed her forehead. “Seriously, Quentin. Nothing ends well where I’m involved. Now’s your chance to run.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Mull this over. Think about it for a month. If after a month, you’re still interested, give me a call.” She held out her hand. “I’ll give you my number.” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to her. She typed into it and then handed the phone back to him. “Now will you leave?”

He looked down at the table like there were options for him sitting there. “What if I wanna call you tomorrow?”

“One month. You can call me in one month and not a day before.”

That actually worked out perfectly for him. He was getting ready to head back to Colorado for a few weeks to close up his business with his partner, Steve, and get the rest of his stuff moved back to New Orleans. This would give him something to look forward to when he got back to town.

He stood up. “I guess I’ll take the deal.”

She walked to the front door and opened it, standing with her hands behind her back, messing with the door knob, looking both confident and vulnerable all at the same time. He’d never wanted to kiss a woman more in his life, and he wasn’t about to wait a month to do it.

He walked over to her, slid his hand around the back of her neck, and then planted one on her. She made a noise like she was taken by surprise, but then she settled in, sliding both of her hands into his hair. She pulled him to her as she settled against the door, perking up his midsection. He was about to sport wood right there on the streets of New Orleans. He pulled away while he still had control.

She put her hand over her mouth, touching her fingertips to her lips like she was checking that they were still there. So it wasn’t just him who had felt chemistry like an erupting volcano.

He leaned in. “How about you think about that for the next month.” He backed away, giving her one last glance before heading to his truck. How he was going to make it thirty days was beyond him.

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About the Author

Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She has served as president for the Music City Romance Writers and is the author of the Love Along Hwy 30A series, the Before Forever series (YA), and Courting Carlyn (YA).


Spotlight: French Quarter Flirt by Melissa Chambers

(Broussard Brothers, #2)

Publication date: May 23rd 2023

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


He’s New Orleans’ biggest player. She just needs to control the game.

When Garrett Broussard is caught dipping Savannah Sanderson on the dancefloor of the Mardi Gras ball, they’re mistaken for a romantic couple and asked to attend a formal dinner that could boost Savannah’s career. Garrett capitalizes on the opportunity, trading a date for a date—he’ll attend the formal dinner if she’ll help him get his boss, who wants to set Garrett up with his daughter, off his back.

It’s a weekend trip, and they’ll have to share a room to make the fake relationship seem legit. He can handle it. He’ll just sweep the little crush he’s had on her all these years under the rug and pretend she’s not hot at all walking around in that oversized Saints T-shirt and no shorts.

Savannah is at her wits’ end with Garrett Broussard. He shamelessly flirts with her but never puts his money where his mouth is. She highly suspects that if she took him up on his empty advances, he’d cower like a shaking Chihuahua. She has half a mind to put him to the test on this upcoming weekend trip, but she knows better than to play with fire when it comes to a Broussard brother. She just has to make it through the weekend without letting New Orleans’ biggest flirt trample her heart.


He started to walk away, but she took him by the biceps. They were becoming familiar with one another’s bodies with the dancing and the feigning of their relationship. “What do you want? Pretend all obstacles are out of your way. You can have anything you want. What is it?”

He searched her eyes, concentrating on her hard. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him this serious. She knew he had the potential to be serious, because he was a lawyer. But the Garrett she knew was all fun and games pretty much all the time. This Garrett was new to her. This Garrett intrigued her.

“I want…”

She could see his mind whirling, his lips begging to speak the words, but he was holding back. Then something in his face changed, and she could see his resolve waning.

He slipped one hand behind her back and the other under her legs and before she knew what was happening, he was carrying her down the beach toward the ocean.

“Garrett, what the hell?”

“You asked what I wanted. I want to throw your ass in the ocean.”

“Garrett,” she said on a laugh, because he couldn’t be serious right now. “Garrett, put me down. I mean it.”

“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanted to throw you in Lake Pontchartrain?”

“This is an ongoing obsession?”

“Absolutely.” They approached the shore and he jostled her, getting a better grip on her. A strong wave rushed at Garrett’s ankles, but he didn’t move out of the way.

“You’re getting your good shoes all wet. You probably need to wear those tomorrow night.”

“If you think I’m bothered by a little ocean water in my shoes, then you don’t know me at all.”

She clasped her fingers together at the back of his neck, feeling like a girl half her size. Savannah had lived in a big body her whole life, and here was this man picking her up like she was a waif.

“Well, if you think I won’t be bothered by being submerged in freezing cold ocean water in this dress and these shoes I do want to wear again, you don’t know me at all.”

“I’ll go in with you.”

“That makes it so much better,” she said, pursing her lips at him.

“Come on, Sanderson, do something wild with me.”

As Savannah gazed into Garrett’s dancing eyes, she understood one thing all too clearly. Whatever he was selling, she was buying.

She kicked off her shoes. “If you’re game, I’m game.”

He grinned from ear to ear. “Let’s take the plunge.”

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About the Author

Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She has served as president for the Music City Romance Writers and is the author of the Love Along Hwy 30A series, the Before Forever series (YA), and Courting Carlyn (YA).


Spotlight: Two Boy Summer by Melissa Chambers

Publication date: July 19th 2022
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult


Two boys, one boardwalk, and her sweetest summer ever

Jules Jarvis never asked to be a rags-to-riches cliché. Since moving from simple Sugarbush Island, Florida five years ago to elite Greenwich, Connecticut, she has done little but miss the life and the true friends she left behind, especially Adrian Ryker. With one touch of her knee against his, her then twelve-year-old heart was stolen and never returned.

Now seventeen and headed back to Sugarbush for the summer, Jules hopes to reconnect with her old life by working at the candy apple stand on the boardwalk and reuniting with the friends she left behind, particularly Adrian. The only problem is she ghosted them all five years ago when seeing their pictures and posts became unbearable. Now she’s back and ready to eat a big ole crow sandwich with an extra-large side of groveling. It’ll be worth it to follow the hope of discovering where that magical knee touch might lead.

But Heath Townsend, the irritating boy interning with her stepdad for the summer, won’t quit popping up at the exact wrong times, making it twice as hard to connect with Adrian. Jules is here to rebuild her life—not fall for a preppy, cocky, Yale-bound jerk, no matter how charming that quirky smile of his can be.

For fans of Jillian Dodd, Beth Reekles, Jenny Han, and anyone who loves a great YA love triangle romance!


“Your mom’s really young, isn’t she?” Heath says.

“Yeah. She had me when she was sixteen.”

“She looks like she could be your sister.”

“Yep,” I say, that being exactly the eighteen hundredth time I’ve heard that. 

I reach for my suitcase, but he lifts it and heads up the stairs. “I’ll take it up for you.”

I hesitate before following him. Craig would sooner gouge his eyes out than have something happen to me on his watch, so he must trust this guy implicitly. But that’s not to say I do.

Heath stops at the top of the stairs and scoots to the side. “Lead the way.” I poke my head into each of the rooms, Heath doing the same. “This one looks out on the pool and it’s got its own bathroom,” he says.

I had already pretty much settled on that one, so I shrug and head inside. 

He points to the window on the far wall. “It’s got a view of my room too.”

I lift my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

He hefts my suitcase onto a bed and then points again. “My family’s in that one.” He squints one eye. “My room’s right there. The blinds are pulled right now, but I’ll be sure and lift them, especially when I get out of the shower.”

I peer at him, starting to seriously question Craig’s judgment.

“I’m kidding. One of us had to break the ice. You’ve been looking at me like I’m a serial killer since before you got in the car. I don’t bite…unless you want me to.” He waggles his eyebrows and then picks up a decorative shell and inspects it.

I eye him. “Who are you?”

His lip quirks up in a smile, his gaze still focused on the shell. “Such disdain already. I must be doing something right.”

“You want me to dislike you?”

“Oh no. That’s impossible. I’m far too charming for that.”

I try to make out if he’s being irreverent or if he’s a cocky a-hole. I can’t tell yet. I plop down on the bed. “So, you’re starting the apprentice program, huh?”

“For the summer, yeah.”

I frown. “You mean you’re not doing the full five-year plan? The high school to college to real life program?”

“Nah. Just the summer. Just to occupy my time and keep me out of my parents’ house. What about you? What’s your gig this summer?”

“I’m working at the boardwalk. My uncle manages the place.”

He nods, picking up a turtle knick-knack from a bookshelf and then setting it back down. “Sounds fun,” he says with sort of a sigh, and again, I can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or serious. “What’s there to do around here?” he asks peering out the window at the pool.

“Have you never been here before?”

“Nope. Just got here yesterday. Spent last night right out there.”

I rest my hands on my hips. “Why are you so familiar with this house? Don’t you live at the one next door?”

He shoots me a dry look. “My family’s over there.”

I nod, like I get it, but I really don’t. I’ve got a great family. I’ve got two of them actually. Craig and my mom are always including me in everything they do, and when my dad is in town, we do all kinds of stuff together. I guess I never went through that whole my family sucks phase. Because my family’s kind of awesome, even after what I’ve put them through the past five years.

He drops his hands down to his sides. “Well, it’s been stimulating.” He goes to head out of my room.

“Hey,” I say, at my limit with trying to figure this guy out. “Are you an asshole or are you just hard to read?”

He huffs a little laugh and then looks me up and down. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

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About the Author

Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She has served as president for the Music City Romance Writers and is the author of the Love Along Hwy 30A series, the Before Forever series (YA), and Courting Carlyn (YA).
