Book Blitz: Spirit World by Krystalyn Drown
Title: Spirit World
Author: Krystalyn Drown
Genre: Paranormal
Age Group: Young Adult
Publisher: Krystalyn Drown
Release Date: April 22, 2014
Riesa Adair can hear the dead, but somewhere between her summer in a mental institution and her stepfather's attempt at an exorcism, she learned to keep quiet about it. But that doesn't mean the voices have gone away. A powerful Spirit has taken notice of her, and he plans to use her unique talents to gain control of the human world. Even worse, there is a prophecy that says he will succeed.

Her various other day jobs have included working at Sea World in zoology, as an elementary teacher, and currently as a support technician for a website. In the evenings, she does mad writing challenges with her sister, who is also an author.
Krystalyn lives near Orlando, Florida with her husband, son, a were cat, and a Yorkie with a Napoleon complex.
Links: Website + Facebook + Twitter + Goodreads
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