Spotlight: More Than I Can Say by Kris Francoeur

Georgiana is gorgeous, smart, and independent, and has no need for a romantic relationship at this point in her life. While attending a professional conference, she finds herself painfully attracted to her new boss, Jackson, and struggles to not give into temptation. When the desire is too much to ignore, they agree to a short passionate interlude there, to never be repeated again once they are home. But can they really stay away from each other? When Georgiana realizes the universe is plotting to bring them together, she is filled with joy, then it all falls apart.

Can Jack and Georgiana finally accept their love?

Will Jack stay once he knows her secrets?

Will they find their forever together?



Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, Jackson started up the 5.8 mile trail to the summit. He was looking forward to training outdoors for the Spartan Race, instead of in the city gyms.

Almost a mile in, he paused to adjust his pack before beginning to run again, happy that no one else seemed to be out this early on a Sunday morning. As he picked up his pace, he heard a noise behind him. Glancing over his shoulder and saw a small blonde woman rapidly approaching. As she caught up, she shouted. “Stay left!”


She pointed to the greenery on the right without breaking stride. “Nettles. You’re in shorts, you’ll get stung.”

He swerved left. “Thanks.”

As she ran past him, Jack got a view of her very shapely backside framed in running tights, her fitted tank top highlighting her curves, and a very distinctive tattoo of a star on her left shoulder.

In less than a minute, she was out of sight. Intrigued, he picked up his pace, in an effort to catch up.

As Jackson reached the wooden steps that he had read were just below the summit, he heard her voice again. “Careful. Last step is cracked.”

He adjusted his stride as his foot was about to come down, then slowed even further as he came into the clearing at the top of the mountain. There she was, standing on a large flat rock, water bottle in her hand.

Seeing her face fully for the first time, he smiled. Bright green eyes were framed by blonde hair pulled back in a severe ponytail. She looked at him in curiosity. Jackson felt a surge of physical awareness as he realized how beautiful this stranger was. “Thanks for the warnings.”

Georgiana took a sip of water, feeling herself react in a way that hadn’t happened with any man in a very, very long time. Dark brown hair swept back from his face, contrasting with the blue-gray of his eyes. Even from a distance, it was clear that he would tower over her, but then again, most people did. The well-defined muscles in his arms and legs made it clear that he trained regularly. She wondered who he was, as she knew almost everyone who ran trails in the area. “You’re welcome.”

Jackson snagged water from his pack. “Great trail.” He looked at his watch to gauge his time. “Do you run it often?”


Her brief answer sparked his curiosity, and it suddenly became a challenge to get her to say more. “Is it always this quiet?”

She nodded. “It’s closed for several months in the spring and early summer because the peregrines nest here. But even when it reopens, it’s usually pretty quiet because it’s steep and long. Not everyone’s up for the challenge.”


She stood up and tucked the water back in her trail pack. “When you go down, stay to the inside on the steps. They wobble.”

“Wait. Are you training for something in particular?”

She grinned. “Yes.” She waved to him as she started toward the trail. “Have a great trip down.”

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Check out her other books:

The Stained Glass Window

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Lilly has the perfect life... she's beautiful, successful, and financially independent.

Lilly inherits a mysterious house in Vermont. She sees it as her life only getting better. She hires a hot contractor to fix up and restore the grand old house, then meets a gorgeous Italian professor who showers her with attention. What seems like a perfect life can sometimes be masking dark secrets just beneath the surface and old houses have their memories.

Will Lilly do the reasonable, safe, and expected thing and marry the dashing professor or give in to the raw passion of a future with the one man who has not only discovered the secrets of the house, but also Lilly's?

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Letting Go For Love

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Dot Murphy is not living the life she had planned.

Married at eighteen to her first love, her life had seemed perfect until the only man she had ever loved was killed in a tragic car accident, leaving her alone to raise their two young boys.

Years later, Dot meets the one man to get under her skin emotionally and hormonally, Sebastian Boone. Boone falls hard for the auburn-haired mom and artist, but she is hesitant to do anything that will take her total focus off her boys.

Can Dot trust Boone enough to allow him to fully be part of her world? Can she love him, body and soul, and still be the mom she wants to be? Is their love strong enough to survive?

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Tomorrow and Yesterday

Genre: Contemporary Romance

The air was so cold, it was hard for her to breathe. Who was she kidding? It could have been a balmy, sunny day, and she still would have felt the clogging tightness of her throat, air barely able to get through to her lungs...

Delaney Adams isn’t hiding from her past. She doesn’t have a past, at least as far as anyone currently in her life knows. She has a great job, a small but supportive group of friends, and absolutely no romantic life at all. Her life is just the way she wants it. When she meets artist James McDaniels, she is caught between her attraction to him, her distrust of men, and the fear that he will reject her if he ever learns who she really is. But her past secretly stalks Delaney, and eventually it catches up to her. When it all explodes into her current life, they have to figure out what to do.

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That Missed Call

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Kat thought the night she met handsome, sexy Alex was just a dream. When he gave Kat his number, asking her to call him, she was over the moon. Sitting in her college dorm, hands shaking with anticipation, she wondered if he really was attracted to her. Was he just being nice to his best friend’s younger sister?

That moment… that call would shift Kat’s future in ways she never could have imagined.

Five years later, a chance encounter brings Alex back into Kat’s life. He makes it clear he’s attracted to her, but Kat isn’t the same naïve college girl when they first met. Struggling with her own attraction to Alex, she isn’t sure she can trust him.

All Alex wants is a future with Kat, but her hesitancy confuses and frustrates him. He knows there are shadows in her life, but nothing could change how he feels about her.

Will Kate be able to trust Alex with her heart and a devastating secret she’s sure will turn him away?

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About the Author

Kris Francoeur, writer and educator, is a grieving mother who has found joy and light again through the practices of conscious and deliberate gratitude, unconditional acceptance and connection with nature. With Master’s degrees in both Counseling Psychology and Educational Leadership, Kris writes with authority about grief and moving forward in our very busy and stressful world. A published author of fiction, Kris has published three romance novels (More Than I Can Say, That One Small Omission and The Phone Call) with Solstice Publishing using her pen name Anna Belle Rose. Kris lives in beautiful Addison County, Vermont with her husband and youngest son, a small herd of alpacas, a flock of chickens and several hives of bees. Kris loves to spend time with her family (including older son, daughter and grandchildren), spending time in the garden and spinning the alpaca fiber for yarn for knitting. 

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