Spotlight: Promise Me This by Karla Sorensen

Release Date: May 9


Imagine this: an author with a raging case of writer’s block finds an unexpected source of inspiration in her grumpy, gorgeous new roommate. Sounds amazing, right? Except that new roommate is my childhood best friend. And Ian Wilder has been off-limits since I was five.

It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen him, but when I return to my hometown after years away, Ian’s exactly the man I remembered. The same guy who gave me his coat on a playground when we were kids and promised he’d take care of me forever. I need a quiet place to work with this deadline looming. I need a place where my daughter can unwind. Enter Ian with an offer I can’t refuse: his spare bedroom.

It’s an easy yes. Except now the problem is I can’t stop thinking about him, and these thoughts? They’re wandering out of the friend zone. I keep imagining very creative ways to rip off his clothes. And Ian starts giving me looks of his own, the kind that make my heart race.

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Meet Karla Sorensen

Karla Sorensen is an Amazon top 20 bestselling author who refuses to read or write anything without a happily ever after. When she's not devouring historical romance or avoiding the laundry, you can find her watching football (British AND American), HGTV or listening to Enneagram podcasts so she can psychoanalyze everyone in her life, in no particular order of importance. With a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Grand Valley State University, she made her living in senior healthcare prior to writing full-time. Karla lives in Michigan with her husband, two boys and a big, shaggy rescue dog named Bear.

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Spotlight: Head Over Heels by Karla Sorensen

Release Date: January 24

There’s only one course of action when your dad wants you to marry a clammy-handed wimp to make one of his board members happy—you get yourself stuck in an elevator with a hot stranger and have the steamiest make-out session of your life. Years of etiquette lessons went out the window thanks to Cameron Wilder, who managed to unleash my hidden bad girl with naught but his talented mouth and deliciously rough hands.

Afterwards, he went back to his small-town life, and I marched home to inform my dad there would be no business-centric nuptials. As punishment, he shipped me off to Sisters, Oregon and demanded I turn a healthy profit on a not-so-healthy property.

You see where I’m going with this—the buttoned-up city girl stuck in a small town hires a local builder to help her … and he’s the hot stranger from the elevator. Turns out, I have a weakness for the broad-shouldered nice guy who’s not so nice behind closed doors. Keeping things professional gets harder the longer I’m in town, until the only lesson I have left to learn is how to keep both our hearts from getting broken.

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About the Author

Karla Sorensen is an Amazon top 20 bestselling author who refuses to read or write anything without a happily ever after. When she's not devouring historical romance or avoiding the laundry, you can find her watching football (British AND American), HGTV or listening to Enneagram podcasts so she can psychoanalyze everyone in her life, in no particular order of importance. With a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Grand Valley State University, she made her living in senior healthcare prior to writing full-time. Karla lives in Michigan with her husband, two boys and a big, shaggy rescue dog named Bear.

Keep up with Karla Sorensen and subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Karla Sorensen & her books, visit here!

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Spotlight: One and Only by Karla Sorensen

Release Date: May 16

You are cordially invited to my fake wedding.

Marrying Beckett Coleman is the best idea I've had in years. I can grant my sick dad’s wish to walk one of his daughters down the aisle, and Beckett has my help solving a custody situation with his daughter. Our plan is to spend a year together, then part ways. Easy, especially since I'm not his type, and he's not mine either.

He’s too quiet and too serious. And while he’s distractingly gorgeous, he’s also my brother’s teammate. Beckett is fake husband material, not the real deal. I just have to remember that. 

Until I move in with him. Get to know him. Share a bed with him. Turns out, the line between fake and real isn't just blurry, it's almost impossible to uphold when he looks at me the way he does. 

This marriage is a whole lot more complicated than we bargained for. We’re threatening to destroy everything we’ve built, something neither of us can risk.

Marrying Beckett might’ve been the best idea in years. But falling in love with him would be the worst.

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About the Author

Karla Sorensen is an Amazon top 20 bestselling author who refuses to read or write anything without a happily ever after. When she's not devouring historical romance or avoiding the laundry, you can find her watching football (British AND American), HGTV or listening to Enneagram podcasts so she can psychoanalyze everyone in her life, in no particular order of importance. With a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Grand Valley State University, she made her living in senior healthcare prior to writing full-time. Karla lives in Michigan with her husband, two boys and a big, shaggy rescue dog named Bear.

Keep up with Karla Sorensen and subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Karla Sorensen & her books, visit here!

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Spotlight: Light Me Up by Karla Sorensen

Light Me Up Synopsis

For Rachel Hennessy, it’s been an interesting six months. Boyfriend? Cheated on her. Job? She totally just got fired. Starting her own wedding planning business sounds exciting … in theory. In reality, it’s completely terrifying. And on top of all that, the freaking cherry right on top? She just had an ill-timed, alcohol-instigated one-night stand with her bff Casey’s brother, Tate. Yeah, that Tate. The one that she’s had a teensy, inconvenient crush on for years.

But nothing about it is ill-timed or inconvenient for Tate Steadman. Because he finally feels free. Free of the oppressive relationship he’d been in for the past six years. Free to pursue Rachel, because one alcohol-fueled night was not even close to enough for him. He just wished she saw it that way. Because she makes him want more than he ever knew he was capable of.

When their one night has unexpected consequences, Rachel has no clue how to trust that he’s not just trying to be ‘the good guy’ who wants to do ‘the right thing’. And even though the chemistry between them practically burns down an entire city block when they’re together, she doesn’t know how to let down the concrete wall she’s built up around herself.

The ‘mistake’ of one evening can change the trajectory of two lives, but maybe a mistake is all they really need to push them right into true love.

Light Me Up is a 90k word humorous contemporary romance with a moderate heat level, and is second in a series of standalones.

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"Best get caught up, little girl. That shot isn't going to drink itself." 

She turned towards him and arched one brow. "Little girl?"

"You're what? Six years younger than me and about a foot shorter. I'd say that's accurate." 

Rachel crossed her legs, and the way that they had lights mounted underneath the bar top only served to highlight her smooth skin capped by dangerous looking heels. She picked up her second shot glass, clicked it against one of his empty ones, and tossed it back. She blew out a breath and he caught a whiff of the Southern Comfort.

"I get what you're trying to do, Tate. Be a peach and go work your mind tricks somewhere that's not by me."

"No tricks, I promise."

She scoffed.

"So, what kind of shot was that?" he asked when she didn't respond.

"It's called a Short Southern Screw. Seemed appropriate tonight." His confusion must have read on his face, because she rolled her eyes. "My boss ... well, former boss, Deidre, is quite the southern belle. And considering my impending unemployment, I most definitely got screwed. But I'd wager a guess that you already knew that, judging by your presence at this fine establishment that you would probably normally never step foot in."

Tate was surprised that she brought up her firing so easily. Letting her statement pass for the moment, he flagged down the bartender again, who'd moved down the length of the bar to try his luck with a pair of coeds that had parked themselves on some stools a ways down.

"And you accuse me of being judgmental. You don't think this is my kind of place?" 

She turned towards him finally, her cheeks holding a slight flush from the back to back shots. He had to shift his eyes away from her face because of how good it looked on her. Your sister's best friend. Your sister's best friend. He chanted it over and over in his head, to absolutely no avail.

"This is so not your kind of place. Because people only come here for two reasons: to get wasted and try to sweat out everything they've imbibed on that dance floor or make conversation where the most substantial thing that gets said is 'Your place or mine?'"

Tate laughed, because she was absolutely right, and then handed the bartender his credit card, motioning for him to start a tab. He pushed a glass towards her, and picked up one of his own.

"Fair enough, I wouldn't normally come to a place like this. I like it though, it was a good choice." He looked around, and then landed back on where she watched him with a speculative look on her face. "What are we toasting to?"

She blinked a few times, her hazel eyes burning in the dark atmosphere. "To being pleasantly surprised."

They clicked glasses, and the only time she moved her eyes from his was to flick down to his mouth when he lowered his empty shot glass. And he felt that look like she'd dragged a lit match down his spine.

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About Karla Sorensen

Karla Sorensen has been an avid reader her entire life, and not long after the purchase of her first e-reader, she realized that it would probably be cheaper to just write out her own happily-ever-after stories. It doesn’t take much to keep her happy … a book, a glass of moscato, and at least thirty minutes of complete silence every day. She still keeps her toes in the world of health care marketing, where she made her living pre-babies. Now she stays home, writing and mommy-ing full time (this translates to almost every day being a ‘pajama day’ at the Sorensen household…don’t judge). She lives in West Michigan with her husband, two exceptionally adorable sons and their German Shepherd, who is not nearly as well trained as the one in her first book.

You can  reach Karla via: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads