Spotlight: Surprised and Sacked by Gina Azzi

Release Date: February 5

Knoxville Coyotes rookie, West Crawford, is a celebrated, lightning-fast football god on the field. Off the field? He’s my ex-boyfriend and greatest heartache.

I didn’t think long-distance would break us when West was drafted to Tennessee, and I was called home to Paris for a family emergency. But it did.

Fast-forward six months and West is playing in the Superbowl, I’m rooting for him to win, and our worlds re-collide.

Celebrating West’s success is supposed to be a one-night, free-for-all that ends with closure. Instead, it births a new beginning. Literally.

I’m having a baby with my ex, our lives are still thousands of miles apart, and nothing has changed. I mean, except the obvious.

Between West’s flourishing career, my familial responsibilities abroad, and a positive pregnancy test that surprises us both, our relationship is bound to be sacked before it has the chance to soar.

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About the Author

Hey Lovelies!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m Gina Azzi, a book-obsessed, coffee-drinking, globetrotting, mama of three! I write steamy Contemporary  and Sports Romance books with heartwarming happily-ever-afters.

A Jersey girl at heart, I spent my twenties living and working abroad before settling down in Ontario, Canada with my family. When I’m not dreaming up storylines or writing all the words, you can find me hanging with my littles, attempting to bake, or planning my next adventure.

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Spotlight: Faked and Fumbled by Gina Azzi

Knoxville Coyotes football heartthrob Cohen Campbell is my brother's best friend. Now, he's the man posing as my fake boyfriend. Simple, right? Wrong.

I thought my luck couldn't get worse than when my long-term boyfriend publicly dumped me. Wrong again. Now, my ex is dating my cousin, and our friend group is embarking on an annual ski trip.

Desperate to save face, I beg Cohen to pretend to like me. To bluff wanting me. To lay it on thick to convince my friends that I'm not heartbroken or hurt. I'm not damaged goods. That I have, in fact, moved on.

But during the trip, things change. Cohen's longing glances make my heart race. His casual, familiar touches stir up new feelings. And his kiss? His kiss makes me yearn for things I've never experienced before.

Toss in one bed, an epic snowstorm, and a gossip circle a mile wide, and I'm praying we don't fumble our fake relationship.

Obviously, I'm always wrong.

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About the Author

Hey Lovelies!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m Gina Azzi, a book-obsessed, coffee-drinking, globetrotting, mama of three! I write steamy Contemporary  and Sports Romance books with heartwarming happily-ever-afters.

A Jersey girl at heart, I spent my twenties living and working abroad before settling down in Ontario, Canada with my family. When I’m not dreaming up storylines or writing all the words, you can find me hanging with my littles, attempting to bake, or planning my next adventure.

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To learn more about Gina Azzi & their books, visit here!

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