Spotlight: Wicked Knight by Diana A. Hicks

(Knight Duet, #2)

Publication date: November 7th 2023

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Maxim Belov is Papa’s favorite son.

Like his father, Maxim is ruthless and always gets what he wants. He wants me.

He doesn’t even care that our families are mortal enemies,

or that I’ve never seen his face.

Because of him, I’m forced into a marriage with a stranger.

On our wedding night, when I finally come face to face with my worst enemy, my entire life is turned upside down.

Authors Note: Wicked Knight is book two in the Knight Duet, set in The Society World. And it’s best enjoyed if you read book one first.

Exclusive First Look! 🐝

“You’re bleeding, Maxim. Let me look.” Anatoli gestured for Maxim to sit.

Maxim raised his hand and stopped him in his tracks. “No. Let my wife tend to my wounds.”

“Ooo-kay.” Anatoli looked as confused as I was.

“Leave us.” Maxim braced his good arm on his knees and released a breath.

“Everything you need is in the bathroom,” Anatoli said to me then turned to leave. He paused when he spotted the unhinged door. “I’ll get someone to fix that.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at him.

The wife in me wanted to tell my husband to go to hell. But the doctor in me was already thinking of all the things that could go wrong if I didn’t check on Maxim. He was tired because his body was working overtime, trying to heal itself. But also, because he just cracked open a heavy wooden door with his foot.

Cursing under my breath, I strode to the bathroom and got all the essentials to wash out his wounds. When I returned, Maxim hadn’t moved an inch.

“We should rinse your wounds twice a day, then cover them. They’ll heal faster that way.” I approached him tentatively, the way one would do with a wild animal because that was exactly what he was. My gaze swept from the splint and stained gauze to the blood seeping through his white dress shirt in two different places. “I need to take a look first.”

He nodded. With a sigh, he undid all the buttons, then sat back to let me help him with it. I pulled the fabric up then pushed it over his shoulders. The soft hair on his chest bristled the skin on my arms and chest. To my surprise, the gentle exchange eased my nerves.

“Getting out of bed today was a bad idea.” I picked at the gauze and removed it.

“I had things to attend to.”

“Right. You had that illegal wedding to go to.” I shot back.

“Yes.” He chuckled. “I did.”

“This shouldn’t hurt. It’s just water.” I squeezed the squirt bottle and rinsed his entire shoulder.

Even if fear wasn’t a big part of the equation anymore, I still couldn’t get myself to look at him. Not even when he cocked his head to look at me. His hot breath left a warm trail that ran from my cheek all the way down to my hip. He gripped his thigh with long fingers as his inspection of me continued.

“Little late for that, don’t you think?” I sneered.

“What’s that?”

“Buyer’s remorse.”

“I didn’t pay for you.” He took a lock of my hair. “Your hair is shorter.”

“I cut it after…” I’d cut it shortly after Luca left, but Maxim didn’t need to know that. I swallowed and bit my tongue for offering him intimate details of my life. “You were spying on me.”

“Not for long.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Your scent reminds me of something. But I can’t remember what?”

“Probably your dungeon. I’ve showered six times since I left and I can’t seem to scrub the stench off me.” I shuffled back. “I need you to get up to get the other two sutures.”

Slowly, as if he were trying not to scream in pain, he rose to his feet. When I stepped into his circle, he bent down to whisper in my ear, “You smell fine to me.”

The jittery energy intensified and magnified my senses. I could feel the air between us shifting, his breath on my neck, and the sandalwood scent on his skin. Though I kept my head down, I could feel his eyes on me, regarding me with curiosity. He was the wounded one. But he watched me so intently, it reminded me of a predator spying on his prey.

“Stop messing with your splint. Or your nose will not heal properly.” I pointed at the blood fingerprints on it.

“It itches.” He grunted. “How long before I can take it off.”

“How long has it been. It usually takes about two weeks.” I squirted his side.

He flinched, reaching for my wrist. I froze, keeping my gaze on the stitches and the blood running down his side. And because my brain hates me, I thought of our impending wedding night. Though by now, I was sure that would not happen today. The man could barely move without wincing. As formidable as he was, and though he acted like a beast, he was still human.

His fingers slid up my arm. “This one hurts the most.”

“I bet. There was a lot of debris to clear out. I had to dig deep.” I freed my hand. “It is healing fine. I can give you something for the pain.”

“Fuck.” He made to touch his wound then stuffed his hand in the pocket of his trousers. “I don’t know if I should risk taking more drugs from you. Will you poison me this time?”

In his defense, I had considered the option. “Not tonight.”

He scoffed. “If Anatoli hadn’t come to his senses, I’d still be unconscious.”

So Anatoli was the one who foiled our plans. Coward. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrugged. “Maybe you too will come to your senses soon.”

I strode to the bathroom and rummaged through the medical kit Anatoli had left for me. I went through a bunch of bottles until I found a strong pain killer. Something to knock Maxim out for the night. And every night after that, until I found a way out of this place.

“For the pain.” I offered him two pills and a glass of water.

“Am I so ugly, you can’t even look at me?” He took the meds and knocked them back. “My senses are fine, by the way.”

“Right. Because kidnapping a woman for revenge is the epitome of mental health.” I turned to leave.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me toward him. “You have no idea what your family is capable of.”

“You’re wrong. I know exactly what they can do.” I jerked to free myself, but he held me tighter. I was no match for his strength. I exhaled. “One day my love will find me. He will make sure you pay.”

“Your love?” He let out a dark chuckle.

“Yes.” I panted a breath. “And when he does, he will chop you up and feed you to your dogs.”

“He sounds violent.”

Luca was an erudite, a distinguished professor despite all my efforts to corrupt him. He wasn’t a brute like Maxim, punching his way through doors. But regardless of their extreme opposites, Luca would find a way to save me. I knew he would. I just had to hang on a little longer.

“He will come for me. You can be sure of that.”

“The only thing I can be sure of, princess, is that it’s time for bed. And since Prince Charming isn’t here, I guess I would have to do.”

🔥 Don't Forget to enter the Goodreads Giveaway for a chance to win an Early copy of Wicked Knight, Book #2!

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About the Author

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.


Audiobook Spotlight: Fallen Raven by Diana A. Hicks

(Raven Duet, #1)

Publication date: September 21st 2023

Genres: Adult, Romance


Now a 2023 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Romance – Contemporary genre!

Seventeen-year-old Aurora Vitali didn’t have the best life in Las Vegas, but it was a place to call home. When her father scores a win after so many fails, he abruptly moves the whole family to the Upper East Side in New York City. Aurora is quickly seduced by the glitz and glamour of her new world, where designer clothes, limos, and beach parties are the norm.

Her first day at their elite school, she meets Enzo Alfera, one of the royals. He’s rich, gorgeous, and so dangerous. The magnetic pull she feels when he’s near is absolutely irresistible. She’s warned to stay away, and that’s exactly what she plans to do. Except every time their paths cross, neither one of them can deny their powerful attraction.

Going against their parents’ wishes, they give into their burning desires. He’s dark and cunning. She’s sweet and innocent. Together, they are explosive.

But their parents have plans of their own. The choices they make to get ahead threaten to pull Aurora and Enzo apart. Now the star-crossed lovers have to decide if their forbidden love is worth going against everything and everyone.

Enzo knows what he wants. And he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep Aurora for himself. If he fails, it could destroy them both.

A Note from Diana: Fallen Raven is book one in the Raven Duet, which is a standalone romance in the Society World featuring Enzo Alfera and Aurora Vitali. This modern day Romeo and Juliet retelling is about never letting go. Check TW

This book features:

✔️ He falls first

✔️ Star-Crossed lovers

✔️ Angst, family feud

✔️ Forbidden love


“We’ll decide on Saturday then.” I made to get up, but Donata gripped my shoulder.

“I still need to tell you something about Rory.” She waited until I settled back into my folding chair.

“So what do you have on her? Any boyfriends we should know about?” Rex asked. This was his territory. Rex knew secrets made the world go round.

I turned my attention to Donata. All this time, I hadn’t considered the idea that Aurora might already be in love with someone else.

“No boyfriend.” She beamed, thoroughly pleased with herself. “A fiancé.”

“What the fuck?” I stood. “She’s getting married?”

“She is.” Donata nodded.

“Oh, you’re good.” Santino chuckled, pointing a finger at Donata.

“Thank you.”

“What’s the deal there?” I could tell them that I knew for a fact Aurora wasn’t in love. And that the reason I knew that was because I was her first kiss. If Aurora had a fiancé, it couldn’t possibly be a love match. “There has to be more to that story.”

“Here’s what I know from a little recon I did.”

“You overheard one of your aunt’s conversations, didn’t you?” I shook my head at her.

“Yes.” She put up her hands. “But you have to admit, the plan is solid. We stick it to her pompous dad while having a little fun ourselves.”

“What did you hear?”

“Her dad has arranged a marriage between her and Angelo Soprano. Pretty much as soon as she turns eighteen in December. My aunt believes that Stephano, Rory’s dad, is under the impression that he needs family ties to make sure his place within the Society is secured.” She pursed her lips and swallowed. “I’ve met that guy before. He’s a total creep. Puke.” She fake-gagged.

So that was her angle. Deep down, Donata lived up to her family’s name and ideals. The Salvatores’ mascot was the panther—the fierce guardian—for a reason.

“Has she agreed to this marriage?” No sense anymore in pretending I didn’t care. Technically speaking, I didn’t, though I was intrigued.

“I don’t know if she knows. Her birthday is in three months.” She shrugged. “By then, she’ll know for sure. Think of it this way, thanks to us, she’ll go into the marriage knowing what it’s like to do it for love.”

“Donata, the romantic.” I leaned in to pinch her cheek, but she slapped my hand away.

Even if her intentions were weirdly noble, this bet was going to mess with Aurora’s head in a major way. Fuck. So not only did I have to put up with Rex and Santino having a go at her, she was going to be Angelo’s wife. As in, forever, only fucking him.

“Are you guys still in? Because according to Aunt Vittoria, Angelo was in the market for a virgin bride. If he gets to his wedding night and finds out he was duped, he’ll retaliate against her father. Possibly her family.” Donata didn’t seem that concerned with Aurora’s dad’s well-being.

“I’m in.” Rex spoke first. “You wanted epic. I’d say sex and murder qualify as epic.”

“So let me get this straight. We have to pop her cherry before she gets married.” Santino rubbed his jaw.

“Clock’s ticking.” Donata tapped her watch twice.

“Fuck it. I’m still in.”

“And you, Enzo?” Donata turned to me. “Have you changed your mind? Is the bet challenging enough for you now?”

“You’re kind of sick. You know that?” I raked both hands through my hair.

“That’s why you love me.” She beamed.

At first, I’d said no to the bet because I didn’t want a reason to be near Aurora or talk to her. She had a certain influence over me, and I didn’t like it. That was before I knew she belonged to someone else—before I knew I couldn’t have her. I was no knight in shining armor. I wasn’t here to save Aurora from a creep ten years her senior. No, I wanted Aurora for myself.

“Yes, I’m in.”

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About the Author

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.


Cover Reveal: Like It’s Christmas by Diana A. Hicks

(Like It’s Christmas, #1)

Publication date: November 26th 2023

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance


Like It’s Christmas (Book One) – a Steamy Grumpy Boss, Fake Dating Christmas Novel

At Winterstorm Village, a record-breaking blizzard always ends in a wedding before the season is over. This year promises to bring the mother of all snowstorms, and the residents couldn’t be more excited to see who’s next to tie the knot…

Rhett Parker hates Christmas. When the Mayor of Winterstorm has an unfortunate accident and ends up in a coma, Rhett is left hanging with the proverbial Santa Gift Bag. To make matters worse, the only one who can help him save their money-making tourist season is his office nemesis, Ms. Christmas cheer in a bottle, Parker Cruz.

Parker Cruz, the Mayor’s daughter, is determined to save Christmas now that her dad isn’t there to make it all happen. The only person standing in her way is the town’s Scrooge, the newly appointed Mayor, Rhett Parker.

She’s willing to do whatever it takes to make good on her promise to her dad. So, when a series of unlucky events strike, and the residents start talking about canceling Christmas, Parker does the unthinkable. She agrees to a fake date with her new boss.

Love is always in the air during the holidays at Winterstorm Village. So what if this year it’s all pretend? Or is it?

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About the Author

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.


Audiobook Cover Reveal: Entangle You & Unravel You by Diana A. Hicks

(Entangle You Duet)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Synopsis Entangle You:

Find out what happens when a college graduate meets a sexy billionaire in a coffee shop and discovers a chemistry that burns hotter than a steaming latte!

For as long as I can remember, building an empire has been my only focus. Most people think of me as the all-powerful billionaire, intimidating, and unyielding. I like keeping that wall between me and the rest of the world.

Valentina De Cordoba is the breath of fresh air I never saw coming. She’s the beautiful stranger sitting in the corner of Cafe Trieste. I feel alive when she’s near. Even when she doesn’t know she’s the reason the coffee shop has become my safe haven.

Month after month, I stay away because I can’t drag her down into the dark world my life has become. At best, I could break her heart. At worst, I could destroy her and everything she holds dear.

But then I see her crying. Those brown eyes filled with tears make something inside my chest crack open. Consequences be damned, I break the one rule keeping me alive…I get involved.

My lists are how I get things done. The most important task on my crumpled piece of paper right now is to find a home for my son and me.

As a single mom, I don’t have time for complications or distractions of any kind. The playboy billionaire offering me a place to lease would fall under both of those categories.

But when my well-outlined plan goes up in smoke, I find myself with no choice but to accept the handsome stranger’s help. So what if he’s hotter than hot. So what if my broody landlord is now also my new neighbor? So what if I fall?

Synopsis Unravel You:

Who knew a latte could lead to so much more?

College graduate Valentina never expected to fall for the hot as hell and intimidating Derek Cole when she accepted his offer to rent his property.

From cottage to mansion, Valentina is certain she doesn't deserve the fairytale unfolding. But Derek gets what he wants...and he wants her.

He’s “the one” for her, but before she says I do, she has to survive a month long trip to his family’s estate in Atlanta. Gaining approval from four brothers and an over-protective mother might just be her hardest test yet.

For billionaire Derek Cole, this homecoming is a chance to mend the damage he caused when he walked away from the family business.

Just when they think they have a handle on their happily ever after...their past and future collide.

About the Author

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.
