Spotlight: Handsome Devil by Delaney Diamond

(Quicksand, #7)
Publication date: February 29th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


They might both get what they want in this marriage of convenience—if they don’t kill each other first.

Annabelle Buchanan waltzes into Dante Escarra’s office with a singular goal—to persuade him to accept her audacious one-year marriage proposal. Her objective? Taking control of her father’s real estate empire. But Dante is her ex-husband, and their past is littered with hurt and anger.

Dante never once contemplated reuniting with Annabelle, because she broke his heart and left him devastated years ago. But her offer is a tantalizing chance to add an iconic Houston building to his real estate portfolio—a prize he covets more than he’s willing to admit.

As they pursue their respective goals, the lines between business and heart blur. Can they make their marriage work the second time around, or will they both end up with broken hearts—again?


 “You came here for a reason. What do you want?”

“You should take a seat for this,” Annabelle said, waving toward his leather chair. She spoke in a lowered voice. Her seduction voice—low and throaty and bringing back memories that lashed his skin with heat. 

His eyes narrowed in distrust. “Why do I need to sit down?”

“I’m not sure you’ll like what I’m about to say.” She gave a careless, one-shoulder shrug. 

“Tell me so we can get this meeting over with, and I can go back to more important tasks, like practicing my golf swing.” He glanced at the Patel Philippe watch on his wrist. “You have sixty seconds to explain why you’re here, and then I’m calling security to escort you out.” 

She let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. I have a proposition for you.”

“I cannot wait to hear it,” Dante said in a dry voice. 

Another fake smile. “My father plans to step down as the CEO of Buchanan & Buchanan within the next few months.”

“Time is ticking. You have twenty-seven seconds.”

“Be patient, darling. I promise you’ll want to hear this,” she said, strolling over to the bar where he kept beverages for guests. She poured herself a glass of water and took a sip before turning to face him.

“Seventeen seconds.”

Annabelle arched an eyebrow. “When he steps down, he plans to recommend a merger to the board—a merger with his friend’s company, Strong Technology, Inc. They’re a privately owned firm specializing in smart home technology to modernize residential properties and make them more efficient. Daddy has threatened to go through with this merger for years.”

“What does that have to do with me?” Dante tapped his watch as a reminder. 

“Nothing, directly.” Annabelle finished the water and carefully placed the glass on a silver tray atop the bar. “Except for the proposition I mentioned. Instead of merging the companies and having Albert Strong take over as CEO, I want Daddy to recommend me as CEO to the board, but unfortunately, he won’t because of his traditional values.”

A brief flash of pain zipped across her eyes, so fast he almost missed the emotion. 

“That’s your problem. Again, what does your father’s decision have to do with me?”

She looked him squarely in the eyes. The haughty indifference disappeared, and a tough negotiator took its place. “My father admires and respects you. He thinks you’re a great businessman because of all you’ve accomplished in the ten years since our divorce. You’ve made quite a splash in the commercial real estate market. Therefore, my proposition is simple. I want to take over my father’s company, and I need you to help me make that happen. I’m proposing that you and I remarry.”

Dante cocked his head toward her in disbelief. “Excuse me, I misunderstood what you said. My English is not so good.”

“Your English is excellent. Probably better than mine at this point, so I know you understood perfectly what I said. I’m suggesting we get married again—a marriage of convenience, if you will. A mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties, you and me. My father will be happy to have you back in the family because he did like you, and now he has newfound respect for you thanks to all your accomplishments. Based on a conversation we had, I’m convinced he would recommend me for the CEO position if he thought you’d be involved in helping me with B&B, as needed. Our marriage would be temporary. Sometime after I take the reins of the company, you and I will have an amicable divorce. Not right away, of course. We want our reunion to be believable, but we simply split because we couldn’t make our marriage work for a second time.” 

Dante folded his arms over his chest. Unbelievable. 

“Your plan is to remarry and trick your father into believing you and I are happily married, so he will hand over the company to you when he steps down? That’s your plan?” 

She smiled brilliantly. “Yes.” 

“Ah querida, t’eres loca,” Dante said.

Then he burst out laughing.

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About the Author

Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of black romance and interracial romance in the contemporary romance and romantic suspense genres. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. To get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases, visit her website and join her mailing list. Enjoy free stories on her website at


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Spotlight: Quicksand Series Boxset by Delaney Diamond

Publication date: Jun 16th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Quicksand is a series of stand alone stories based on love, sex, and romance. You can’t fight your way out of quicksand, and you can’t fight your way out of love. Books four, five, and six are available in this box set!

Are they just two people on the rebound seeking comfort in each other’s arms?

When Tamika Jones arrives at the apartment on Hargrove Street, she expects to find her boyfriend, the money he stole, and the woman he cheated on her with. Instead, she finds Anton Bevins, a young attorney, who’s good-looking, bewildered by her appearance, and also a victim. The two end up in a sexy, fun-loving relationship that takes them both by surprise, but is it really love?


Bang. Bang. Bang.

Rubbing sleep from his eyes, Anton rolled onto his back and squinted against the sunlight coming in through the curtains.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The noise was coming from the front door. Someone was knocking. Loud.

Rolling onto his side with a groan, he checked the clock beside the bed. Seven-thirty on a Saturday morning. What the hell? Who would—

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Irritated, he tossed off the sheets and marched to the door with angry strides. The person on the other side better be dying, or they’d be getting their butt kicked.

Though upset, he took the precaution of peering out the peephole to see who was attacking his door and was taken aback when he saw the petite woman out front. Wearing a baseball cap low on her head, he could tell she was attractive even through the distorted lens and the angry pucker of her lips.

“Open the door, Calvin!” she screamed. “I know you’re in there, and I’m not going anywhere, so you might as well come out.” She started banging with her fist again.

How could someone so small make that much noise?

Anton swung open the door and her hand remained suspended in the air, mid-bang. Her eyebrows winged together in a startled expression, and then her gaze traveled from his bare chest, down his pajama pants, to his bare feet. His skin tingled everywhere she looked, as surely as if she’d dragged her palms down his chest.

“Who are you?” she demanded.

“I should be asking you that question. I live here, not this Calvin person you’re looking for. You have the wrong address.”

She smirked. “Nice try. I know he doesn’t live here, but I know he’s here with that b*tch.” She then lifted a baseball bat he hadn’t seen through the peephole, over her right shoulder, as if she were standing at the plate ready to swing.

Anton’s hands lifted in defense. “Whoa, hold on. There’s no Calvin here, and I don’t know who the b*tch—I mean, woman—is that you’re looking for.”

One sculpted brow lifted above her skeptical dark eyes. Despite the volatile situation, he couldn’t help appraising her features. When was the last time he’d seen anyone quite so… stunning? With a round face, high cheekbones, and catlike eyes that glared at him but managed to look sensuous at the same time. Her nose tilted slightly upward at the tip, and her full, thick lips could be too much on the wrong face, but settled on hers in a way that drew the eye and made him temporarily forget the damage she could do with that bat nestled on her shoulder.

She wore a red top that, well… it was rather revealing, exposing her midriff and showing off the dark walnut of her flat stomach and the white-gold belly ring nested in her navel. He had to force himself to look at her face and keep his gaze there, which wasn’t an easy task.

Anton swallowed hard to beat back the lust that reared its head as he admired nature’s handiwork.

“Sure you don’t know them. Unless you want some of this”—she waved the bat—“I suggest you get out of my way and let me handle my business.”

“This is my apartment,” Anton insisted.

These gated communities weren’t worth the money. Why pay extra when it was so easy for crazy people to slip in behind someone else, like this psycho obviously had?

“Calvin!” the stranger screamed. When she tried to shove past him, Anton slammed his hand on the doorframe.

“Listen,” he said, lowering his voice to a lethal level, “I don’t need you waking up my neighbors and causing me problems, all right? This is my apartment. I’m not telling you again. There is no Calvin here. This is 2516 Hargrove Street Apt C. You have the wrong address.”

Bad enough she’d woken him up out of bed after a long week, but now she was getting on his nerves with her insistence of trying to get past him to find this Calvin dude.

“No, I do not have the wrong address. Tell me this, do you know who Melissa is?”

Shock jolted Anton’s back ramrod straight. “Melissa?”

The stranger smirked knowingly. “You do know her. Where is she? Tell her I want to talk.” She tapped the bat in her left palm, looking like anything but someone who only wanted to talk.

Fiery passion wages a war between two destined hearts.

Layla Fleming may miss the toe-curling nights between the sheets with Rashad Greene, but it took a long time for her heart to heal. So when she sees the cocky playboy years later, she ignores his advances and moves on. With the first glimpse, Rashad knows he must have Layla back in his bed, but he still holds a dark secret and worries the chemistry between them will fizzle if she knows the truth.

Their friendship is strong. Their attraction is stronger.

For years, English professor Dana Lindstrom has been crushing on her friend, ex-NFL football player Omar Bradford. When another man sparks her interest, she embarks on a new relationship to help her get over those feelings. When Dana’s new love interest stirs intense jealousy, Omar will risk their friendship to show her once and for all he’s the only man she’ll ever need.

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About the Author

Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of black romance and interracial romance in the contemporary romance and romantic suspense genres. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. To get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases, visit her website and join her mailing list. Enjoy free stories on her website at



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Spotlight: Monica by Delaney Diamond

(Family Ties, #2)
Publication date: August 26th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

A second chance at love for a wealthy socialite and her bad boy ex.

After having her heart broken nine years ago, Monica Connor has no interest in marriage. She’s busy living her best life and building a following as a social media influencer. When a wealthy businessman contracts her to promote the opening of his new lounge, she’s excited for her most lucrative deal yet. Then she learns she has to work with someone else on the project—Andre Campos, her first love—the owner’s future son-in-law.

Andre is engaged to marry the daughter of the man who gave him a chance when no one else would, but seeing Monica causes old feelings to resurface and calls his plans into question. Being with Monica means losing everything he’s worked hard over the years to attain. But he can’t stop thinking about her, and pretty soon they surrender to the fiery passion that neither can deny.


His breathing temporarily halted. He recognized her right away, despite cutting off all her hair and leaving a short buzz cut. He’d know those pretty chestnut eyes and high cheekbones anywhere. Large hoops almost touching her shoulders adorned her ears, but smaller earrings also climbed up the shell of her right ear.

She stood at one end of the long wood table, chatting with Stanley, the company’s attorney, and another woman, whom he assumed was her attorney. Her face glowed with health and vitality, hands animated as she talked. Red lipstick brightened her full lips and popped against her russet-brown skin. 

She wasn’t born into money but wore it well. Tall with slender curves poured into a red and white pants suit, he wasn’t surprised she became an influencer. Monica Connor was the epitome of an “it” girl. Popular, with an engaging personality, she’d been a trendsetter back in college. He used to call her Sunshine because she had a glow about her and brightened his day with her appearance. 

His gaze dipped to the skin revealed by the plunging neckline of the red jacket she wore as a shirt. 

No bra. 

His mouth went dry, and he licked his lips to counteract the parched, desert-like sensation when he assessed the halfway open top. 

Her gaze shifted, and their eyes met across the glass table. The smile on her face faltered before disappearing altogether, and he experienced the strangest sensation—as if the walls were closing in. She stared at him, and lips he’d known well—once upon a time—parted in shock. 

“Andre.” She whispered his name, and his scalp tingled under the sound of her voice. She flashed a brief grin, hands going to her hips. “Wow, it’s been forever. It’s good to see you.” 

Liar. The way-too-high octave of her voice signaled fake excitement. 

He didn’t smile back, unable to truly engage in the scene because never in fifty million years had he expected Monica Connor to be standing in the building where he worked. 

He swallowed the tightness in his throat. “Good to see you too.”

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About the Author

Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of sensual and passionate romance novels. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. To get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases, join her mailing list. And enjoy free stories on her website at

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