Spotlight: A Not So Bollywood Meet Cute by Miya Malai

Publication date: January 6th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Katrina Shah just wants out of the fame game, away from her high-profile family’s drama. But dodging the spotlight? Tough luck. Especially when she collides with Hollywood’s golden boy, Evan Kristof. Her heart doesn’t seem to have received the memo to steer clear of him.

Evan’s used to the spotlight, the parties, the glitz. Yet, he’s craving a break, some peace. Then he meets Katrina, and suddenly, tranquility’s the last thing on his mind.

As they both try to escape their pasts, sparks fly between the girl who wants anonymity and the movie star. But can they navigate crazy families, an over-the-top wedding, and their undeniable chemistry without getting burned? Their fling might just turn into something much bigger than they bargained for.


“You know, normally, I wouldn’t let it slide that easily. But I’ve had my fair share of outbursts  with people who’ve tried to set me up in the past. I’m so used to it, I kind of tune it out, and just  nod and smile. But trust me, I’ve caused scenes at events before. Ones I don’t care to relive at the  moment,” I say, playing with one of my huge earrings that’s getting heavier by the minute. 

I look at Evan and see his eyes linger on my fingers fidgeting with my earring, and then they  move down to my chest for a flash of a second. He quickly glances up to meet my eyes. Hmmm.  Is it bad of me to like that he’s checking me out? Even if he’s emotionally unavailable? 

“I would love to hear about those outbursts another time,” he says, a grin appearing. He runs a  hand through his beard. Damn, he’s hot. 

“Do I get another time?” he asks me quietly. He’s looking at me with soft eyes, and then he  shakes his head quickly.  

“Can I make it up to you? Maybe I can make an appearance at FLAM?” 

“No, it’s fine,” I say, maybe a little too quickly.  

I don’t want him to think that’ll make up for his behavior. Then there’s an awkward silence. I  feel the heat rise under his gaze. There’s no denying that there’s a connection between us. And I  think the attraction is mutual because he has a dark expression on his face. His eyes follow my  hand as I raise it to my neck and brush my hair to one side.  

We’re looking at each other, not breaking eye contact. But then I hear a vibration sound. I reach  into my clutch as he pulls a phone out of his pocket. I glance at my screen; it’s from my driver. I  turn to peer out the rear window and see that he’s pulled up behind us. 

“Rachel’s staying back longer. I guess she’s enjoying the night,” he says, reading his text  message. He spots my car waiting behind us and lets out a small chuckle. “Same custom wrap,  who would’ve thought.” A small frown forms on his face again.  

“Wait, don’t leave on my account. Fuck. I feel so bad now. This is your night, and you probably  have to meet with the people for this grant,” he says, rubbing his beard in frustration.  

“I’m sorry. I feel like such an asshole.”  

“No, don’t worry about it. It was a lot of pressure tonight. You being an asshole didn’t help, but I  can’t go back in there. I’ve spoken to everyone I had to. They’re just partying it up now,” I say,  reassuringly.  

He’s still looking at me with concern, leaning his torso toward me, an arm on the back of my  seat. 

“Are you sure?” he asks, a worried look on his face. I bite my lower lip nervously, and he lowers  his gaze to my mouth. 

“Yeah, that’s one thing we have in common, I guess. I value my solitude. And when I’m feeling  overwhelmed, I just want to be alone in bed and escape from the world,” I say softly.  

“Me too,” he says, his eyes still not leaving my lips. 

“Okay, well, good night,” I say, grabbing the door handle again.  

But before I open the door, he catches my other hand and I look back at him. His touch is  burning me, and I don’t think I can take it. His gaze is soft, a small smile on his face. 

“Katrina,” he says in a low voice.  

And I love the way my name sounds on his lips.  

“Yes?” I ask, matching his deeper tone. “You have a beautiful voice.” 

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About the Author

Miya Malai was a second-generation confused brown girl with conservative parents, who would have looked at Bridgerton with horror. But little did they know she would sneak Julia Quinn books from the library when she was in high school. She grew up with DDLJ playing at least once a week in her Dadi's bedroom. And she longed for her favorite Bollywood heroine's character to be in a book. After years of scouring through smutty romance novels, she thought she'd combine her two favorites on her own. 

Miya wants to empower the voice of brown girls struggling with stigmas in the South Asian community, while also appreciating the culture. 

When Miya isn't writing, she's drinking chai or spending time with her husband and three young children on Long Island, NY.

You can find her online as Miya Malai on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.
