Spotlight: Hollow Voices by Michelle Corbier

Release date: November 6, 2023

Dr. Julia Toussaint is recovering after the death of her son when she catches her psychiatrist in a lie. Now, she doubts many things from her past, particularly surrounding the death of the woman who murdered her son. 

Julia starts over in a new city with a narcissistic boss with his own dark secrets. Suddenly, the past catches up with her when a police officer blackmails her. In a fight for her sanity, Julia struggles to protect the people she loves. 

Time is crucial and Julia must remember what happened after Evens died because the decisions she makes will have fatal consequences.


“You’ll feel better if you share. I’ll understand.”

So hard to resist. I wanted to tell someone. Release my thoughts. My mouth opened, ready to explain those desires and needs. “Sometimes—”

A ringtone blared in the dense air. 

Dr. Griffith raced to her desk. “Wait a minute. Let me turn my phone off.” 

Like dawn cresting over a dark horizon, an awareness grew in my mind. In a brief moment of clarity, I recognized an incongruity. “Why is your phone on? You said phones weren’t allowed in the office.”

“I’m a physician. I have to be available for my patients.”

“Do you see patients in the hospital?”


“Do you make house calls?”


“Why was your phone on?” I stood up.

“You’re exaggerating the significance of a call.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Remember when we discussed your paranoia? You believed people were following you. I’m not recording our conversations.”

“Let me see your phone. Do you have a recording app on it?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Let me see.”

“You have to learn trust. This is a test. Believe me.”

“Believe you?” In slow motion I scanned the entire room. “Give me back my tapes.” I stepped forward. 

She interposed herself between me and the desk.  

“Julia, you’re regressing. If this continues, I’ll have to notify your office, and the state medical board. Your behavior is becoming threatening—a risk for working with children.”

I threw my head back to better view her. 

Her narrowed eyes returned my gaze. Her lips pressed together and disappeared, like a lizard.

Seconds later my shoulders slumped, and I retreated toward the recliner. 

A smile teased at the edge of her mouth. “Much better.”

Herding me toward the door, she said, “This was fine for today, but next time, I want to move forward. We have to work on trust. Record your thoughts on the audio tapes, and we’ll listen to them together. And remember to take your medications. If you deviate from the treatment plan, you’re not ready to return to work.” 

Her skeletal hand rested on my shoulder—a lifeless fragment of humanity. I didn’t bother moving it away. Those hands wouldn’t touch me again. 

The threat in her voice strengthened my resolve. For a moment I had visualized a hint of truth. Without responding, I entered the lobby where Camile waited.

Dr. Griffith lied. She was hiding something. 

Did it concern my urges, those impulses? I didn’t know—yet. But I would uncover the truth. Rediscover my secrets. I had to. My sanity depended upon it. 

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About the Author

Born in Illinois, as a military dependent, Michelle moved between San Diego, California and Charleston, South Carolina. She enrolled at the University of California Santa Cruz before attending Michigan State University where she completed a Pediatric residency program. After over twenty years in clinical medicine, Michelle now works as a medical consultant. As a member of Crime Writers of Color, Sisters in Crime and Capitol Crimes, her writing interests cover many genres—mystery, paranormal, and thrillers. If not writing, you can find her outside gardening or bicycling.




Instagram: Michelle Corbier (@mrsdoctorwrites) • Instagram photos and videos

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