Spotlight: My August by Lily Blu

Publication date: April 25th 2023

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Romance


August and I have been inseparable since childhood, but one kiss changed everything. Suddenly, I began to see things in a new light – not just about myself, but about him as well. It was as if he had morphed into a different person right before my eyes.

Sick, deviant, twisted – words I never would have associated with us before, now seem to fit like a glove.

Despite the fact that he slowly chipped away at my sanity and made me see the ugliest parts of himself, I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving his side. Even as things grew increasingly dark and twisted between us, I remained fiercely loyal to the boy I had once called my best friend.


"Can you hold me, August?" Her voice is small, filled with uncertainty, and yet it's enough to break down the wall I built around my heart.

I know that I shouldn't do it, that I should push her away and maintain the distance I've tried so hard to keep between us. But as I look into her brown eyes, filled with a mix of sadness and longing, I find myself powerless to resist.

I take a deep breath, trying to control the desire that's building inside of me, and then I gather her in my arms. She feels so good, so warm and soft against my body. I can't help but bury my face in her hair, taking in the scent of her vanilla shampoo and the feel of her silky strands against my cheek.

My hands wrap around her small waist, pulling her even closer to me, and when she climbs onto my lap, I nearly stop breathing. I can feel every curve of her body pressed against mine, her heat and her softness driving me crazy with desire.

I know that this is a wrong, that I shouldn't be doing this. But in this moment, nothing else matters except the brewing desire and longing between us.

I can feel her heartbeat racing against my chest, and I know that she must feel it too. She must feel how hard I am, how much I want her.

"You shouldn't be in here," I say through gritted teeth.

"I know…I just…"

"What, Lu…?"

"I need to be close to you. You're all I have."

I freeze for a moment, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I feel a surge of protectiveness and desire all at once.

Without a word, I scoop her up into my arms and carry her to my bed. I lay her down gently, tucking the covers around her before crawling in beside her.

"Stay still," I whisper into her ear, my voice low and husky.

She nods, and I can feel her body relaxing against mine. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me, and push my c0ck against her a$$ pressing then pulling away. If she notices she says nothing about it.

I know that what I'm doing is wrong, that I shouldn't be taking advantage of her like this. But in that moment, I can't help myself. The desire and need that I feel for her is too strong to resist.

I try to control my breathing, to keep myself from getting too carried away, but it's no use. The feel of her body against mine, the softness of her skin and the curve of her hips, is too much to handle.

I start to move my hips, grinding against her as quietly as I can, and I feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge.

And then, suddenly, her breathing evens out and I realize that she's fallen asleep. I freeze, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. What the hell am I doing? I ask myself. This is wrong, so wrong but as much as I want to stop, my body refuses to listen. 

I pull down my sweats, my erection springing free. The need and desire I feel for her is too strong, too overpowering to resist. I try to slow down, to regain control of myself, but it's too late.

My fingers grip her hips but not hard enough to hurt as I rub my c0ck faster against the, the friction is maddening as the pleasure builds until I can't hold back any longer. 

I c0me with a shudder, panting against her hair, my body tensing up as I spill myself all over her back. I feel a surge of shame and disgust wash over me, but it's quickly replaced by a wave of pleasure and satisfaction.

For a moment, I lay there, panting and trying to catch my breath. And then, slowly, I realize what I've done.

I've used her for my own pleasure without her c0nsent. I feel sick to my stomach, knowing that what I've done is unforgivable.

But even as the guilt and shame wash over me, I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The monster has been satiated. I know that what I've done is f*cked up, but I can't help but crave her, want her, need her. Need more. 

I lay there for what feels like hours, grappling with my conflicting emotions until I pull away from her, feeling disgusted with myself. But even as I swear to myself that I'll stop, that I'll be better, I know that I'm lying. The desire is too powerful to resist. And deep down, I know that I'll never be able to stay away from her for long.

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