Spotlight: Christmas With the Cowboy by Shantal Sessions

A Cowboys and Tiaras Romance Book 2

Genre: Small Town, Second Chance Christmas Romance

A British cowboy bachelor, the rodeo queen he’s been crushing on, and fateful family entanglements threatening to keep them apart…

While visiting his former Oxford flat mate, British bachelor James Davenport falls in love not only with the small town of Primrose, CO, but with rodeo queen Isabelle Pomeroy. But a family crisis sends James scuttling back across the pond leaving Isabelle without an explanation.

Isabelle Pomeroy spent the last year touring the state as Miss Rodeo Colorado, and comes darn close to winning Miss Rodeo America. But her tenure is over and she’s anxious to come home to her family for Christmas. Helping at her family’s ranch is a welcome distraction from the heartache left by a handsome Brit who left without so much as saying goodbye.

Without warning, James returns, working hard to become a true-blue cowboy and anxious to win her back. Isabelle is determined to avoid another heartbreak, but it seems a tall order amidst her small town’s festive traditions and everyone brimming with holiday spirit.

Will James weave some Christmas magic and convince Isabelle of what’s truly in his heart? Will Isabelle allow herself to heal, so they can finally forge a real relationship?

Christmas with the Cowboy is a heartwarming second chance romance bursting with Christmas magic, charming holiday traditions, and an emotionally satisfying happily-ever-after.


The bonfire roared, climbing all the way to the top of the woodpile, sparks flying like hundreds of fireflies dancing in the night. James saw them approaching and smiled, his eyes locking with Isabelle’s. His intense gaze launched a thousand butterflies fluttering in her stomach at once.

“Hi,” they said at once to each other, and then shared an awkward, huddled laugh.

“So, what was that about?” James asked nervously.

“We were totally talking about you. Were your ears burning?”

“As a matter of fact, they were,” he answered, rubbing an ear instinctively.

“They apologized for keeping a certain secret.” Isabelle angled an accusatory, though playful glare at him.

“As I intend to do…” James cleared his throat, gearing up for the apology.

Except a snowball hit James in the back of the head, knocking off his cowboy hat. His shocked expression, eyes goggled, mouth wide open, made Isabelle burst out laughing. As he turned around to identify the culprit, Isabelle could see Clint and Cole lobbing snowballs at everyone. Another snowball came flying toward James. He dodged it, but Isabelle was too busy laughing to notice it in time; it hit her clean in the face. Luckily, it was soft and didn’t cause any harm, but it had her spluttering in surprise.

“Ha, serves you right for laughing at me!” James shouted, balling up a snowball in his hands and threw it at her.

She ducked.

“How would you like one in the face, Mr. Fancy Pants?” Isabelle bent down and began wadding up snow.

“Fancy Pants?” James paused, hands on hips, and sniffed haughtily. “And here I thought you liked my suits, Queenie.”

“Queenie? Now, you’re just making fun of me.” Isabelle threw her snowball and it hit him square in the chest, exploding into his face.

“Oh, you’re in trouble now!” James shouted, chasing her.

Isabelle screeched and took off running. He caught her by the arm and tackled her. They fell into the snow, and James landed on top of her. Isabelle wriggled and squealed as James hovered, the two of them reeling in laughter, trying to control their jagged breaths. A broad smile teased at James’s lips.

“I guess this would be a bad time to ask you out on a date.”

“Some might consider this the perfect time.” She quirked a silly smile and winked.

His cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink as he rolled into the snow and stood. He held his hand out to her and pulled her up. “Would you like to go on a sleigh ride with me, Isabelle?”

Isabelle hesitated. She saw the look of disappointment already filling his eyes. He’d worked hard to regain her trust and try to rebuild their friendship. He deserved a break and she wasn’t prone to hold grudges. She was in the mood for some Christmas fun, and hadn’t gone on one since she was a kid.

Besides, it’s just a sleigh ride, right?

“I really need to get my tractor up here and bust through the ice in that pond, so the cows aren’t in danger and have something to drink. And, uh, I guess I need to pay for my share of this fence?” Isabelle dug the toe of her boots into the ground and wouldn’t make eye contact with Will.

“We got this, Isabelle,” Will said, but gave James a meaningful look, clearly nudging him to participate. “Say something,” Will mouthed to James, a look of irritation on his face.

“May I have a moment of your time?” James asked Isabelle sounding far too formal. He cringed.

“Sure,” she answered sweetly and waved at him to follow her. “You can help me get my truck out of the mud.” A mischievous grin lit her face.

“Okay, I deserve this.” James planted a hand on his hip, scratched the scruff on his chin in thought, noting the thin tread on the tires and how deeply they sank into the mud.

“Yes, you do.” Isabelle winked and hopped into the truck.

“If I suffer this penance to your satisfaction,” James said, approaching the window. “Will you at least have a cup of coffee with me?”

“Make me a killer bowl of soup and you’ve got a deal.”

“Done.” James drummed his hands on the window sill a couple of times and then went to the back of the trunk to push it out of the mud.

Isabelle turned on the ignition, put it into gear, and pushed the gas. As the tires spun, they sunk at least three inches deeper, dirty snow and mud spraying out from under the tires.

“It’s not going to go without a couple of guys,” Will hollered, trudging toward the rear of the truck. “Put your back into it, and try to stay away from the spray.”

After a series of tries, the truck sunk deeper into the mud. Dirty, tired, and frustrated, James ran back to the UTV and grabbed some old plyboard he’d found on the way in. He tucked the pieces under the back wheels. Before he stepped away, Isabelle gunned the gas and the truck sped out of the hole. The force of movement made James fall backwards. He sprawled on the ground completely splattered in mud.

The truck screeched to a halt on firmer ground. Isabelle hopped out and ran toward him. When she saw him, her eyes and mouth widened, obviously at the shock of seeing him, and she doubled over in laughter. “You should see yourself! You look like you’ve been in one of those Dirty Dash races.”

“I’m glad to see my misfortunes entertain you so much.” James couldn’t help smiling grudgingly.

“Be grateful she’s laughing, partner,” Will whispered out of the side of his mouth as he pulled him up from the ground.

“I am glad about it,” he whispered back, “but I’d hoped it wouldn’t be at my expense. Just so you know. . .” He gazed at Isabelle over Will’s shoulder, addressing his comment to her. “I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life. First, flying donuts, and now this. The indignity of it is…” His voice trailed, then a bubble of laughter escaped his throat. He guffawed and his shoulders shook. He tried to stop, but couldn’t. The laughter rolled out of him like a tsunami hitting the shore.

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About the Author

Shantal is hopelessly romantic. She adores writing ALL THE FEELS right up to the first kiss and beyond saying, “I do.” She is a multi-genre sweet romance author who engages in her two great passions: reading and writing heart-soaring romance, charming characters with chemistry, and scintillating kisses that will steal your breath away. Originally drawn to writing young adult Medieval romance, she’s since written contemporary romance, all sweet and clean.

Happily living in a love story all her own, she lives in Utah with her husband, near her two married sons and amazing daughters-in-law, and her two granddaughters. Shantal loves the great outdoors and can be found gardening in summer and skiing in winter. She’ll come inside to hunker down for a Jane Austen book or film (or romance, romcom, and costume drama), and to make the most delectable pumpkin chocolate chip cookies on the planet. Learn more at

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