Spotlight: Broken Petals by Tasha Hutchison

Date Published: July 25, 2022

Publisher: Rize

Brooklyn Monti is dying. Or at least she thinks she is. Every since Brooklyn was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease at 19, she's used it to give up on herself. Huntington's has affected her career, her friendships, and her love life. But will she let it control her future? When Brooklyn meets the man of her dreams she must decide whether Huntington's is going to take away the one thing she's always wanted: a family.

Getting through life is no longer acceptable. It’s time to fall in love, chase dreams, and build a legacy. This story is smart, sexy, funny, and hopeful. Let's go on the journey with Brooklyn.



Saturday mornings in the summer were for sleeping in, not trips to the airport at six o’clock in the morning. They especially weren’t for Uber rides with a driver who refused to take a break from scarfing on his artery clogging breakfast sandwich to lend a helping hand. 

What happened to chivalry?

Sure, the lines of grease dripping down the side of his double chin should’ve given me an indication that he didn’t care one way or another, but it’s about the principle. 

After I managed to extract my last oversized piece of luggage from the trunk, I slammed it hard enough to rock the tiny car, and if lady luck was on my side, even knocked a bit of his sandwich out of his hand and onto his lap. It’d serve him right.

Outside of the airport, near the corner of the building, an older man ogled a teenage girl. All I could think about were the constant news headlines of girls being taken. I’d never forgive myself if this girl ended up as a headline in the Highsea Daily Newspaper. I could see it now: June 20, 2021, Teenage Jane Doe Found Dead in the Forest.

Highsea was never short on crime with the beach attracting tourists from around the world. Not to mention, the forest stretched for miles. It was the perfect place to make someone disappear. 

Not this girl. Not today.

I raced to her before the man made his move. “Are you okay?”

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About the Author

Tasha Hutchison resides in Texas where she owns and operates Wordy Writer, LLC to help other authors with their writing journeys. Tasha discovered her love for books at a young age when she would read with her mother before bedtime. Her love for writing was actually realized when her mother used writing as a tool to refocus her dramatic moments in more creative ways. Since then, writing has never been optional for Author Tasha Hutchison. Like eating and breathing, it's something integral to her existence.

Broken Petals is Tasha’s first novel with a focus of giving readers hope in any situation in an unforgettable way.




