Spotlight: What Happened to Coco by VB Furlong

Publication date: December 4th 2021
Genres: Thriller, Young Adult


When a girl disappears, long-buried secrets resurface…

Coco is missing. Her room’s a mess, and her phone is left behind in her dorm at Lainsbury Hall School

Ella, Coco’s childhood best friend, is desperate for her to return, although she knows that if she ever sees Coco again, there’ll be a lot of explaining to do.

Bea knows that her new group of friends attracts drama, and she thinks she has the last shred of common sense between them all. Only, if that was true, she would leave Genevieve, her toxic ex, well alone.

Conrad is confident that Coco will return safe and well. Only, the way his secrets are unravelling, he’s worried he won’t be when this is all over.

Harrison and Coco are the perfect couple. Everyone knows that. But looks can be misleading. Even the smartest boy in school can make a terrible mistake.

In order to navigate the web of secrets and lies that Coco leaves behind, her circle of friends needs to unravel a few of their own.

But the question remains: What happened to Coco?


Sat in one of the chairs before Mrs Hardy’s desk was a  young policeman. He wore a solemn expression on his  square-jawed face. His stubble was not the designer facial  hair seen on actors or models. Instead, Ella felt it gave him an  unkempt, dirty look. When she moved further into the room,  Ella scrunched her nose at the aroma of coffee and stale  cigarettes that clung to him.  

“This is officer Hobbs,” Hardy said quietly. 

“I’ll be having a short chat with you all today to find out  anything that could help us. We need to hear an exact account  of the last time you had any contact with Cordelia and any  leads you think may give an indication of where she could  be. Anything you think is relevant, please tell us now so we  can find her as soon as we can. Do you understand?” 


They all nodded. They were then told that they were to go  into an adjoining meeting room separately. Ella was called  first, and she felt her friends’ eyes on her back as she shuffled  into the office. She was afraid, of what she wasn’t sure, maybe  of being yelled at like they did on American cop shows, of  slamming the desk and throwing curveballs at her, making her  confused and messing up. She’d seen Making a Murderer. 

She never really enjoyed true crime documentaries or  conspiracy theories, but it was hard to be friends with Coco  without being drawn into it and then listen to her ramble on  for hours about how she always thought the brother seemed  fishy, or maybe it was the maid, or about jet fuel and steel  beams as though she was both a scientist and an engineer. 

“Ella,” Hobbs said, sending a warm and inviting smile in  Ella’s direction as he held the door open for her, but his  yellowing teeth did nothing to ease her anxiety. She sat on an  old wooden chair and Hobbs swept across the room in three  swift strides. He slumped into the far comfier-looking chair  across the table from Ella. This was the room that parents were  called into, where expulsions and suspensions were issued as  last resorts, thrown at students like cannonballs in a battle. 

“So today I’m just going to ask you a couple of basic  questions about… Coco you call her, yes? I understand you  were close.” He produced a notebook and pen from his jacket. Ella nodded. 

“How would you describe your relationship with her?” “She’s been my best friend since we were five.” “I see.” He nodded. “And is she known for being a  bit...reckless? Does she always follow rules?” 

“She’s careful. She wouldn’t go out at night without her  phone and tell no one where she was,” Ella said, knowing to  keep everything simple. Only answer the question asked, she  thought, remembering again all those horrifying  documentaries that followed people who were locked up for  ten years for a crime they didn’t commit. 

“She’s been found running around the school late at night  with a Harrison Fletcher, though, hasn’t she?” 

“Yeah, in school, accompanied by her boyfriend. Never  17

outside, never alone. Never without her phone. We’d always  known when she had done that too. She would tell us or post  every second online like usual. She didn’t do that last night  though, did she?” 

“Did she mention anywhere she would want to go? Any  parties? Maybe a secret boyfriend nearby?” 

Ella bit back an unwelcome desire to laugh. “She barely  keeps her tongue out of Harrison’s mouth for longer than two  minutes as it is. She has no time to have a secret boyfriend.  She goes to lessons, hangs out with us, or Harrison, and goes  to bed. The five of us are nearly always together.” 

“Okay…” he said, somewhat distracted as he scribbled  away into his official-looking notebook. Ella wondered what  she could have said to spur so much movement.

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About the Author

VB Furlong is a trainee lawyer and writer of young adult novels living in Berkshire, UK. She wrote her first “novel” at aged ten and has not stopped since then. Through her writing she aims to explore many of the issues she faced herself growing up, in the hopes that others facing the same issues feel some solidarity. Her friendships are a huge part of her life and consequently is a major theme in her writing, exploring the way in which we interact with each other, especially in difficult times.

Originally from Mumbles, Swansea, VB Furlong enjoys the sun and the sea, and walking her three dogs across the cliffs. These walks have offered her inspiration for many pieces of writing, including What Happened to Coco which she is excited to introduce as a coming of age boarding school thriller.
