Spotlight: Quiet Lessons for the Introvert's Soul by Gabriela Casineanu
/Quiet Lessons for the Introvert's Soul
Through a series of interviews with successful introverts, Casineanu reveals the strengths that come from being quiet and reserved. Authors, professionals, entrepreneurs and even a top sales performer share how they overcame their challenges in a world that assumes that successful people are extroverts. The book also encourages to reflect on your journey so far, to discover what abilities you've relied on in tough situations.
Conversational, witty and fun, Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul shines a light on how introverts can contribute to building a better world—even if they do it quietly!
Not an introvert? "To say this book changed my negative perspective of introverts being unsociable is an understatement. There are many insightful moments throughout this book, and the lessons learned will not only empower the quiet and reserved in society," said an extroverted reader.
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About the Author
Award-winning author and professional coach, Gabriela Casineanu considers life as a self-discovery journey worth exploring. Her creative and curious soul didn’t care much about the MBA and 18 years in engineering. It found a way to turn things around, leading to coaching, training, creative entrepreneurship, and artistic expressions. Not being able to talk for four months due to burnout (a blessing in disguise) forced her to embrace writing as a form of self-expression. Two years later, this creative introvert had already published ten self-growth books to help other introverts improve their relationship with themselves, their career, and others. You can find more about her at