Spotlight: Faith Through Falling Snow by Sandy Sinnett

With Laci and Mitch anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new baby, they are surrounded by the turmoil of discovering Mama's illness while their two sons fight over the love of a woman.

A white Christmas brings a moment of joy, but Laci’s faith is tested again when their baby clings to life.

Together the Young family must lean on each other and the only One who can truly give them strength.

Will they find the faith they need…even through the snow?"


MAGGIE and her Ladies Auxiliary friends took turns sharing stories and laughing together around the dinner table at Max’s Place, their favorite restaurant in town. Maggie yawned, suddenly quite tired, and decided to leave a little early.

“Hey ladies, I think I’m going to head home if you don’t mind.” She stated.

“You feel okay, Margaret?” Gladys asked, one of her dear friends. “I’m starting to feel my age, I guess. Kind of tired tonight.”

“Well, be careful driving home,” Gladys replied.

“I will. I’m so sorry about my blunder earlier tonight.”

“It’s okay! It happens to the best of us, Mags!” Another friend replied.

Maggie stood up from the table, grabbed her purse and started to walk away, but stopped and turned around. “By the way Janet, please tell Leo I said hello, okay?” And she walked away. Gladys and the ladies all looked at one another with a puzzled look on their faces, bewildered by her comment.

“Gladys, Janet hasn’t been at this table in over ten years. And who is Leo?” One of the ladies asked the group.

“Leo was Janet’s first husband, over twenty years ago.” Gladys replied. Most of the ladies wouldn’t have known that, except for her and Maggie since they were in the original group. At that point, Gladys was now quite worried about Maggie’s state of mind.

“I’m sure she was just tired and a little confused. It happens more and more at our age, unfortunately.” Helen added, then changed the topic.The ladies continued to banter on about this and that after Maggie left, enjoying their dessert, but after a while Gladys couldn’t ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that something wasn’t right.

“I’m going to step outside and make sure Maggie made it to her car, ladies. I’ll be right back.” Gladys announced. Once outside, she looked down both streets to ensure Maggie had left. As she feared however, she spotted Maggie’s car parked on the adjacent street. She walked over to the car and put her hand on the hood. Cold. She had never made it to the car, and Maggie was nowhere in sight.

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About the Author

Sandy lives in her hometown of Mt. Vernon, IL enjoying life with her two youngest kids, and works full time for a local hospital as a health consultant. Most mornings she can be found at her local bookstore-coffee shop among friends, looking for inspiration and writing her next novel.

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