Cover Reveal: Miss Demeanor by Beth Rinyu
Miss Demeanor
Beth Rinyu
Publication date: August 16th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Spoiled. Privileged. Brat.
What others saw as entitled, I saw as standards, and mine were high, especially when it came to men. The boys I wasted time on in college were now a thing of the past. I was setting my eye on the real deal: Rich, successful, nice looking, good personality preferred—but not required.
I had it all figured out, I’d live off my family’s good fortune as I waited for my wealthy Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet. That was until my father decided to come up with his own ridiculous plan:
Move to New York City (good)
Take a job at a magazine owned by one of his friends (bad)
Cut me off financially after three months (worse)
All out of options, I headed to the East Coast to start my job. Feeling much like a princess being thrown into court with the commoners, I intended to fail, and fail miserably—that was until I was given an office with a view and my own advice column. Suddenly, working for a living wasn’t so bad after all…except for him. Obnoxious, boorish, rude…take your pick. He was the exact opposite in my quest for Prince charming—except for nice looking and good personality not required. He hated me the moment he laid eyes on me and was determined to make my life a living hell whenever I was in his company. Little did he know, he had no idea who he was up against, I planned on matching his animosity toward me in ways he never imagined. But the funny thing was, the more he got under my skin, the closer he was getting to my heart, making me reassess the girl I once was and focus on the girl I wanted to become.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is filing papers beneath you?”
“No…I didn’t say that, but I’m not going to settle on a job I’m clearly over-qualified for!” I snapped.
“Are you?” he challenged.
“Yes, I am. I didn’t work like a dog for six years in school just to push papers around. A trained monkey could do that.”
He took a piece of paper from the pile that was on the table and handed it to me. “File this,” he requested.
“Did I not speak English? File this,” he repeated.
I paced my breaths, willing myself not to lash out at him. He wasn’t going to get the best of me.
“Guess all that schooling didn’t train you as well those monkeys.”
I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips, unable to deal with his insults anymore. I stood up and flung my purse over my shoulder. “You are a complete and utter….”
“Ah, Miss Perkins!” An older gentleman entered the conference room, stopping me from the pounding I was just about to give to Mr. Cheap Suit. “I’m Henry Andrews.” He rushed over to shake my hand. “I see you already met my nephew.”
“I have, and I was just leaving.”
“Oh, why is that.” He glanced at his nephew, obviously sensing the tension that loomed.
“I-umm…just don’t think this job is what I was looking for.” My eyes bore into his obnoxious nephew who refused to look away first.
“Now, Miss Perkins, I’m sure we can do something to have you become part of our team, after all, your father is a very good friend of mine.”
“Oh, well I really appreciate your kindness, Mr. Andrews.”
What the hell was I doing? I had the perfect excuse to walk out of here, even my father wouldn’t fault me for standing up to the horrible nephew’s behavior. But when I saw his nephew shaking his head over his uncle’s kindheartedness, I just couldn’t help myself. He clearly didn’t want me working here for some reason which made me in turn want to work there just to piss him off.
I sat back down when the older Mr. Andrews motioned to the chair. “So, Miss Perkins, what is it you wanted to do with our company.”
“Please call me Rose.” I smiled.
“Uncle Henry, I already explained the position we have available to Rose and—”
“That’s Miss Perkins to you.” I interrupted.
Copyright – Beth Rinyu 2018
*Unedited & Subject to Change

Author Bio:
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard.
My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? I'm a mom of twin teenage boys,a crazy Border Collie and a cat with an identity crisis! I guess you can say writing is my form of Calgon!
Thanks for taking the time to learn about my books and me! If you decide to read them (and I hope you do!) please be sure to go on and review it for me - yes, even if you don't like it!