Spotlight: Landslide by Melissa Leet

Alternating between Jill’s childhood and adult life, Landslide is an adventure story that happens when life is lived full out, regardless of what comes. The adventure is as much sensual, emotional and philosophical as it is provocative, experienced as life causes Jill and Susie to continually confront the unknown. As the girls come of age, mature, and find love, the garden remains a powerful element, reverberating through their psyches and in their hearts. Teeming with poignancy, humor, and love, Landslide is ultimately the resplendent exploration of resurgence, and the truth that even death can reveal paths as wondrous as those uncovered by life.


Who are the designs for?” I asked Mom. I had found Mom in Garden’s little Monastery. As a surprise, Jay had shipped the Monastery in pieces to Mom from Romania, the place where the vampires roamed. Jay had saved it from the wrecking ball.

“My city clients,” Mom said, sketching.

“I like that one,” I said, comparing it with a glance to the other sketches on the table.

  Mom angled her head first one way and then the other, as she did when she thought in pictures. When Mom designed gardens, she worked in waves, drawing until her thoughts played out, hardly ever erasing. Mom added water colour after. Mom could water colour any time, but her first pencil designs had to be immediate. They were fleeting, like changing light, and had to be captured before they escaped.

  “Perhaps!” she said suddenly, taking another sheet. She sketched at high speed. Back were the trees, but the urns changed from pottery to metal and a trellis enclosed the space. Honey suckle, clematis and climbing ivy covered the trellis making it a living wall.  Now she was erasing. I looked more carefully. Into the trellis she made unevenly-sized rectangular windows which created city views like pictures framed in green.

“That’s good!” I said.

  “Mmm …” Mom answered, standing with sketch pad and pencil. She had her faraway look now. Absently, her fingers trailed the stone as she walked the Monastery’s four small walls, her fingers tickling the toes of each cherub as she circled. Suddenly, she dropped to the grass in the sunny courtyard. Her hand flew. Her faraway look cleared. A smile played across her lips. I knew she had it then: a garden to be treasured; a place where all were better just by being within.

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About the Author

Born and raised outside of San Francisco, Melissa Leet currently lives in Chicago with her husband Ken, her youngest son James, and their lovely Golden Retriever Neo. Her older children, Christopher, Dillon and William, are scattered across the U.S., attending university. When not in Chicago, Melissa is often out in the Wyoming wilds, listening to the quiet. Prior to living in Chicago, Melissa resided in London, and for shorter times, in Paris and Madrid. She loves geography, history and speaking other languages. Melissa holds a BA from Smith College, an MBA from Columbia University, and an MA from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. She is founder of Chinafolio, a think tank which conducts research on China.