Spotlight: Trybal Gratitude Journal by Alexsys Thompson

365 days in a year. 21 days to form a habit. 1 tool to make it all count.
Gratitude is free, unlimited, and always at your disposal.

What if building a gratitude practice was all you needed to unlock your best self? Your best life? What if you spent less time complaining and more time enjoying life? You have everything you need to manifest more of what makes your life wonderful. All you need is a little guidance! Your Trybal Gratitude Journal will be there for you, through thick and thin, to remind you to stay curious, be open, and give yourself grace.

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About the Author

My latest project, the Trybal Gratitude Journal, is a culmination of a lifetime of practice, failure, and more practice. It feels great to be able to share some concepts and rituals I have developed to live my authentic life. Should you choose to take this journey of introspection through the window of a gratitude practice, you, too, will inevitably unveil your authentic self.

My wish for you is to experience the multifaceted magic of gratitude.

Which is exactly why I created the Trybal Gratitude Journal, and why I speak about Gratitude at a variety of events. It was, and continues to be a game changer in my life. If you so choose, it can be in yours, too.

I also founded a company called Trybal Performance. At Trybal, we help you unleash the vibe of your Tryb! We even offer downloadable gratitude coupons you can use to spread the gratitude. To learn more, please visit us at

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