Review: Moraline by Cintia Alfonso Fior

Debut novel, Moraline by Cintia Alfonso Fior, is an empowering novel for middle schoolers sprinkled with some magical realism featuring a young girl who finds herself on a journey of self discovery, compassion and friendship.

When she encounters moments that she finds challenging, her first instinct is to run from them. Moving across the country didn’t help ease her fears, especially dealing with classmates who treated her differently with their bullying behavior. On a class camping trip, she found herself victim to one of their cruel pranks, which initiated her flight response towards deep in the woods. Embarrassed and defeated, she did what she always did to run but this time found herself in an enchanting experience encountering a Lakota holy man with an unexpected revelation. He shares with her the chosen path of her destiny to put the winds back in balance by tackling injustice that comes in her path.

With the help of some newly found friendships that inspired a new found confidence and drive, they become the change they want showing that kids can make a difference in advocating for change where there needs to be.

I enjoyed what the book represented and the message inspires young people that their voice can and is worth hearing.Not only can they make an impact in their communities but also in the world.The book presented several relevant social issues represented by Moraline and the other characters. What I love is how each character is diverse and has a relatable story that mimics the silent voices that need to be heard. It allows readers the chance to understand from their point of view and presents an opportunity that inspires conversation about bullying and social injustices.

Overall, it was a wonderful story and I look forward to reading more of the same. It’s worth mentioning where their book is represented. They represent something that would be a valuable resource in expanding storytelling and advocacy in regards to children and literature. Rising Advocates is an advocacy and educational platform, dedicated to promoting children’s rights and environmental justice through storytelling and education. If you are a parent that would like to explore more about their mission, go check them out.

The reading age is 8-13.

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