Review: The Kid with Big, Big Ideas by Britney Winn Lee and Jacob Souva (Illustrator)

"There once was a kid with glittery nails who always wore colorful socks,

and all around town, this child was known for thinking outside of the box."

Following the bestselling The Boy with Big, Big Feelings and The Girl with Big, Big Questions comes a new story about a nonbinary kid with ideas so big and wild that grown-ups often dismiss them. What if we could be mermaids and swim to school? What if we could teach pets to talk? What if we could make the world safe and inclusive for everyone?

This innovative kid doesn't stop there, and with the help of their supportive Gran, they come up with the biggest idea yet. In a world that so often dismisses and excludes kids from decision-making, this book boldly suggests that not only should kids have a voice, but that their ideas just might be the ticket to making progress.

Download the free The Kid with Big, Big Ideas Educator's Guide to continue the discussion about world-changing ideas!

Pages: 32

Ages: Preschool (3-5 years); Early Grades (5-8 years)


The Kid with Big, Big Ideas is the third book in the The Big, Big series. As I’m not familiar with the series and this being the first book I read, I thought this was a wonderful book. I will definitely check out the other two books in the series.

This beautifully illustrated book is complemented with such a positive message for kids, inspiring them to use their voice to make a difference. Kids today, being exposed to so much more than previous generations, have big ideas that sometimes don’t get heard because of their age. All it takes is one person to believe in them and help cultivate them with help may lead to something great.

What I loved is how this awesome kid shared their ideas with their Gran who took them seriously and helped make a plan to work with the community. By allowing this, it gave them a voice to be part of the solution involving matters that related to them and allow their big ideas to be put to good use.

What a wonderful takeaway message that all it takes is one adult to believe and help take those big ideas and voices to use to inspire something great. You never know how those ideas can impact the community.

Overall, a wonderful book with a positive message.

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