Review: Tummy Rumble Quake by Heather L Beal
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Earthquakes can be a very scary experience, especially for kids. If you have small children, Tummy Rumble Quake is such a great way to have a discussion about earthquakes on a level that kids can understand. Beautiful illustrations, along with characters that they will relate to, will allows kids to comprehend what an earthquake is, what you should do indoors and out and how to prepare for it.
Since I don't live near any area that are prone to earthquakes, I personally found this very informative. I had no idea the protocol for them nor that people prepare for them via the Great Shakeout. Tummy Rumble Quake did a great job explaining the preparation and what you should do before and after and followed up with questions and activities from the characters to supplement the book.
The only thing I'm bummed about is that there is a song that is put in the book and would've been awesome to hear. I'm not sure if it's in the print version but if it's not, than it would be nice to hear to add that little extra to the fun. Overall, I think the author did a great job with putting in terms that the younger reader will understand. If you are a parent or teacher in an area that is affected by them, take a look at the book and hopefully you will add this one to your conversation.