Spotlight: Moving Again!!!: With Rylan and Henry by Christy Jordan Wrenn
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Rylan is five and has a mouse friend named Henry. Soon after Dad arrives home from deployment, he announces that they are moving 4,421 miles away. Come on an adventure with Rylan and his family moving from Anchorage, Alaska, through Canada to their new home in South Carolina. Will Henry go with the family, be forgotten, or get packed in a box, left behind.
This book is dedicated to military families that mover thousands of miles each year.
About the Author
Christy Jordan Wrenn has been a published children's author since 2014. She is an Indie published author and illustrator of four books: Rylan and Burt (2014), Rylan and Henry (2015), Emma's Funny Birds (2016), Moving Again !!! With Rylan and Henry (2018), and the (second edition 2019). Currently, she is an Administrative Librarian at Centenary College of Louisiana in Shreveport, Louisiana. Christy has 40+ years of experience in the field of public, special and academic libraries.
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