18 Iconic Book Covers and Their Stories

Have you ever stopped to think about how your favorite book cover art was conceptualized? There’s a lot that goes into creating a book cover and how the design is discovered. First, the cover designer is commissioned by the publisher or editor, not the author as some might think. Then, the designer collaborates with the marketing/sales team to develop a concept that is marketable. From there, the designer presents “roughs” to the sales team until a consensus is reached on the direction. This is the process by which some of the most iconic book covers to date were built, and it sometimes starts two years before the book is even published.

This infographic from Invaluable shares some of the most famous book covers we’ve all grown to love and how each designer brought those visions to life. See if you can spot some of your favorites!

Low Stress Self-Editing Techniques that Guarantee Success

Self-editing can be difficult. It can be tough to objectively go through your writing and find its weaknesses. To successfully self-edit you must eliminate your crutches and bad habits, prioritize clarity and readability, get help from a friend, and remember to go easy on yourself. Editing, especially self-editing, can be stressful and that’s not good for your wellness. Use these techniques to successfully self-edit while keeping your stress levels low.

Eliminate crutches and bad habits

It’s easy to accumulate a few bad writing habits, but it’s important that you identify and correct them, especially when self-editing. Let’s go over some common bad writing habits. One thing to watch out for is commonly misused words, such as nonplussed and bemused. Try to use these kinds of words as little as possible. Even if you know how to use them correctly, there’s a good chance your reader does not and may think you are misusing them. In a similar vein, be very cautious when using metaphors. So many of them are overused and cliche enough that they will take away from the point your making. Metaphors are also commonly misused and mixed up so minimize their use and implement them carefully or you will appear amateurish. Try and track your crutches and bad habits so that you can eliminate them from your writing. Doing this will make your editing easier and less stressful in the future.

Write with clarity and aim for readability

One of your main priorities should be to write clearly and concisely. It’s tempting to bust out the thesaurus and jam your sentences full of complicated words, but resist giving in. “Write with your audience’s understanding in mind. Your goal is communication, not to show off your intelligence and vocabulary. Even when you are tackling a complex subject your goal should be to explain it simply,” recommends Jeff Stewart, writer at Assignment Help. A lot of the time when we talk about readability we are talking about the difference between Latinate and Germanic words. Using Latinate words can make your writing piece sound academic or clinical, so unless that is your goal, try to minimize the amount you use. An example is the Latinate word consume versus the Germanic word eat. The latter is a good deal more approachable and sounds like something you would commonly hear, while the former sounds like something out of a research paper.

Use a partner

It really helps to get a fresh pair of eyes when editing. Have a friend look over your work; it is guaranteed they will spot things you have missed. You want your writing to be easily readable without the reasons and explanations you have in your head. You won’t be there to explain your reasoning to the reader, so you want to have someone else read your work to find these sections that need explaining, and rewrite them with better clarity.

Proofreading and editing matter

Here are some resources to help you with your editing process:

#1) State Of Writing & Grammar Checker: Use these helpful guides to ensure your grammar is polished. They take a lot of the stress and work out of self-editing.

#2) Via Writing & StudyDemic: These are useful writing guides that will help take some of the stress out of your work.

#3) PaperFellows & OXEssays: Nobody enjoys proofreading. Use these handy proofreading tools to self-edit your work, suggested by Huffington Post.

#4) Cite It In: Use these helpful resource to make sure you are using citations correctly.

#5) Academized & UKWritings: You can turn to these online writing communities for help and advice with your writing projects.

#6) My Writing Way & Academadvisor: These are interesting and informative writing blogs where you can learn more about your craft.

Go easy on yourself

Self-editing will require that you focus on your deficits and short-comings, but don’t let it stress you out. Just try to see this process as a way to improve your craft and remember to keep in mind all the positive things you did with the piece. Even the best writers make mistakes, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember to watch out for bad habits you have accumulated, aim for clarity and readability, and use an editing partner. Follow these techniques to successfully self-edit while minimizing stress.

About Grace Carter

Grace Carter is a business writer at Resume Writing Service, there she edits CVs and cover letters. Also, Grace is a proofreader at Revieweal, website that reviews online writing services.

How Will Machine-Written Books Change the World of Fiction?

Writing a novel or any type of fiction writing can be difficult, especially for novice writers. The task of developing a narrative structure and closing it with a logical conclusion several hundred pages later is something that requires talent and patience.

However, some of the more recent developments in writing have proven that these writers have some serious competition to think about. Machine-learning technologies have enabled algorithms to write “new” novels, short stories or even entire encyclopedias based on raw information and no human input.

This development raises concerns about the future of fiction writing as a whole. Will these machine-written books change the landscape of fiction writing or is it just a passing trend?

The ups and downs of fiction writers

Before we talk about machine writing, we need to understand the nature of fiction writing in general. Fiction writers are highly creative, disciplined and persistent people. They are able to dedicate months or years of their lives to developing fictional worlds that can captivate the audience’s attention.

A notable example of this niche is J.K. Rowling with her Harry Potter series which took the world by storm and continues to break sales records. However, the process of writing such a magnum opus is not without difficulties. Writers often face writer’s blocks, depression, self-doubt and in some cases alcoholism or drug abuse. Some of the most famous works by Stephen King were written under the influence of narcotics.

These are only a few notable examples of how fiction writing takes a toll on the person responsible for it. While it can be highly rewarding and enjoyable, it can also be stressful and fraught with pitfalls.

On machine writing

What is machine writing all about? In essence, machine writing represents a process in which a computer algorithm analyzes raw data and creates something new out of it. Let’s take a look at a simple process of machine writing so we can better understand it:

  • Inserting a piece of writing (or several) into an algorithm starts the process of machine learning.

  • As the algorithm becomes “smarter”, it can extrapolate different combinations of words, sentences and entire books in some cases.

  • The algorithm begins writing as soon as you, as the person in charge, give it an instruction. This instruction usually comes in the form of first few words of a sentence.

  • As the process progresses, the algorithm logically continues creating sentences that correspond with what was previously created.

This process means that the machine will only be as smart as the materials you give it. We have mentioned “new” written works being created by a machine algorithm before. The air quotations are there for a reason – a machine will never be creative as a human being.

This means that the machine algorithm is perfectly capable of creating readable works of fiction as long as the human being in charge knows what they are doing. Using some of the top editing services afterwards can make sure that the person in charge of the algorithm leaves a personal touch.

Machine writing can create numerous works of fiction in a matter of minutes. However, the overall quality of those works is up for debate – which brings us to our next point.

The argument of quality and quantity

It’s easy to notice that real-world writers pour their hearts and minds into their writing. Machines are different in that regard and tend to follow logic instead.

If we ask the question of which of these two systems of writing is better, we should think of something else instead. Which one is usually better: A writer that writes a novel every two years or a writer that writes a novel every few months?

Machines are able to write perfectly serviceable fiction books based on the information and context given by their users. However, they are better suited for technical writing, medical books, engineering manuals and similar non-fiction writing.

This type of writing corresponds to their very nature, something that they are unable to achieve in fiction writing. This effectively means that writers and machines can coexist without one harming the other. Writers are still able to create wondrous fictional writing that is closer to art than technical writing.

To put it in the words of Isaac Asimov: “Machines are unable to create art, but are we?” That very question means that we are able to achieve a higher understanding of the world around us than a machine ever could.

The future of written word (Conclusion)

There is no doubt that machine writing will continue to evolve as more data becomes available. However, writers should refrain themselves from using machines to “write” fiction and non-fiction literary works and label them as their own. When it comes to experimental writing and AI development, machine writing should definitely get the spotlight it deserves.

However, abusing this technology for personal gain with very minimal effort can and will backfire eventually. The credibility of a writer is only as strong as their work would suggest. Writers that focus on fiction writing should not be undermined or scared about the future of their profession.

The creative spark that is within each writer will never be available to machine writing algorithms, just like with emotions or physiological needs we experience daily. Seize the opportunity to express yourself in writing anytime you come up with a new idea. Chances are that your spark is very worth pursuing.

Don’t Worry and Get a Cat – What Classics Could Say to Modern Writers

Writing a novel of your own can be an exhausting task. Pouring your heart and soul into the endless pages of romance, fantasy, crime or horror can be paralleled to childbirth or college graduation. These tasks are hardships in themselves but they let us learn a lot about who we are and what made us come to the decisions that brought us there.

Novelists and future writers alike face the same difficulties when coming across new writing challenges, mainly as to how to breathe life into their new ideas. Classics such as Dickens, Lovecraft and Lee all have something useful to teach us even today, so let’s take a look at some of the tips that these all-time favorites have for modern writers.

Miranda July: “Don’t worry about the bad drafts.”

Coming up with a neat idea for your new novel only to find that you are unable to produce a good draft can be disappointing. Bad drafts will always be there no matter how hard we try to perfect our ideas at first. Miranda July’s advice can come across as preachy to the uninitiated, but there comes a time in every writer’s life when you just have to write no matter what comes out of fingertips.

Bad drafts can always be transformed into beautiful works of writing, just like in Miranda’s case where she struggled with initial pitches for her best-selling novels. Something is always better than nothing, so do your best to work systematically and edit your writing afterwards.

Zadie Smith: “Get offline.”

Writing anything without direct access to internet in today’s day and age can be difficult. Accessing the endless repository of knowledge, information and tools that can help us write better pieces is often impossible to resist. This is especially true for future writers and journalism school students who occasionally turn to professional college paper writers and use their help in formatting and editing.

However, if Zadie Smith is to be believed, being offline can actually be positive for our productivity. According to him, writing on an offline computer with no possibility of going online is the best way to write. There is some truth in his words after all – social media platforms and unimportant websites tend to take away precious hours that we would otherwise spend in writing.

Muriel Spark: “Get a cat.”

Muriel Spark is the feline lover among the classics. Her writing has always been inspired by her favorite cat, meaning that she couldn’t have done what she did without it. Cats have always been a popular choice for domesticated animals as they provide comfort and stress relief when you need it the most. Having any breed of cat sitting next to you or occupying the same living space while you work on your new novel can be just the spark (no pun intended) of imagination and energy you need.

The late nights when you work on improving your writing will be especially serene, since cats will often stay up with you or simply purr happily in your presence, which is all the comfort most writers need in their life. The effects a cat can have on a writing process can be seen in Muriel’s A Far Cry from Kensington, where she wrote the character of Mrs. Hawkins inspired by her own feline companion.

William Faulkner: “Read to write.”

Having an abundance of vocabulary, references and reading experience in general is an important part of being a novelist yourself. The popular writer William Faulkner had a lot to say about reading, mainly because he rarely chose what he read. He liked to read everything from bad popular magazines to classical works of writing and has never looked at either one with disgust or admiration.

Being objective about what you read and analyzing the formatting patterns can help you out tremendously if you are only starting your first novel. Faulkner and his contemporaries have risen to glory not because of their refined taste in literature but because of the open-minded nature of living and breathing as writers. Be open to new ideas and reading materials as they can truly transform your work into something spectacular.

Hilary Mantel: “A little arrogance can go a long way.”

Believing in your own ideas is the most important trait of a novelist. If you can convince yourself that the pitch you came up with makes sense, no publisher will be able to turn you down based on poor excuses. While “arrogance” might be a strong word, self-confidence and personal motivation are everything that stands between you and a blank piece of paper.

Following the advice of Hilary Mantel is as easy as it is difficult – force yourself to do something new and unknown every day. Write a draft based on something you read in the newspaper, send a proposition to three new publishers each week or simply write for several hours each day on a strict schedule. Being sure of your abilities to deliver a good written piece can go a long way in making sure your career starts on the right track.


What most modern authors don’t realize is that classics didn’t become popular overnight. Most famous authors earned their fame posthumously, but that doesn’t mean that fame requires death and literary revival. Take every bit of advice of your contemporaries that can help you get started on your way without losing momentum.

Some advice will work better than other depending on your personal habits and preferences. Do what you can to make the most of the experience of your past examples and strive to create written pieces that would make them proud.


Luisa Brenton is a brand developer in the past; mom, educational blogger in the present. She writes in a variety of venues – academic, business, and online marketing content. Find out more at Facebook and Twitter.

Writing A Book And Everything You Need To Know

Is it true that everyone has a book inside them, waiting to be written? Perhaps not, but you may well think you have a great idea for a story, how to guide, or memoir, just begging to be put down on paper. However, writing is book isn't as easy as it looks. Here's everything you need to know about writing a book yourself.

You need to decide why you want to write

The reason for writing a book will be different for everyone. You need to decide what your reasoning is, as it will inform how you approach writing. For example, you may want to write because you feel there's a gap in the market for your book. Maybe you've been asked to write, or you just feel the need to get it down. Either way, know your reasoning before you start working.

Work out why your book is unique

There's a lot of books being published every day, and there's going to many that cover the same topics you're covering. You need to discover just what it is that makes your unique. Does it look at a subject from a different angle, or give a new perspective on an old formula? Whatever it is, have that firmly in your mind as you write. That edge could be just what you need to get published.

You'll get a lot of rejection letters

Rejection letters are just a fact of life when you're a writer. Mary M. Matthews from Best Australian Writers says 'I hated getting rejection letters at first. However, I found that when I read them carefully, there was a lot of useful information in there I could use. I would edit my manuscript and send it out again, and the improvements eventually helped me get published.'

You need to approach writing professionally

Many would be writers give up, as they see writing as just too difficult. If you approach the process properly though, it's easy to get that manuscript written. Treat writing your book as a professional process. This will be harder if you have a day job, as you'll be working on top of writing your book. However, even if you can only dedicate half an hour a day to your book, do it. Set time aside every day to write, and don't deviate from this routine. Little by little, that book will get written.

Give yourself goals

It's a long hard process if you don't give yourself goals. The best way to keep yourself motivated is to set weekly goals for yourself. Having a set word count to reach is often the best way of doing this. If you can see your progress, it's easier to stay on target and get that book written down.

You'll need a good place to write

As with any task, environment is important. Think about where you can write every day. For some people, they can focus better in a quiet and distraction free office. Others would prefer to work in a coffee bar and have access to hot drinks on tap. Figure out what works for you, and go for it.

Don't give up if things don't go right

Sometimes things won't go to plan. The book may not feel like it's working, or you'll be turned down by publishers. Writing is a tough business, but the rewards are worth it. Take your time and have back up plans in case things don't go your way.

If you have a book in you, it's time to write it. Now you have the information you need, you can write the book you've always wanted to write.

5 Awesome Reads This Summer

When you hear the word summer, certain images come to mind: lazy days spent lounging at the beach, swinging gently in the breeze on a hammock, sipping iced tea by the pool, not worrying about your next coursework writing assignment. What better way to complete the picture than an open book in front of you? It is the perfect time to catch up on your reading and explore other worlds without leaving the comfort of your home. Here are 5 good summer reads you might want to check out.

Rich People Problems, by Kevin Kwan

Have a laugh (or a barrelful) at the expense of the rich in this final installment of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy by Kevin Kwan. It is satire at its funniest, exposing the various dramas of the Shang-Young clan as they scheme their way towards getting even richer at the death-bed of the matriarch that rules them all.  Kwan shows that even when you are one of the richest families in Asia, you are still vulnerable to intrigues and crazy ex-wives. It is a plain but wickedly vivid portrayal of human nature at its worst, when having it all is simply not enough.

A Full Life, by Jimmy Carter

What better way to demonstrate how you can rise from humble beginnings to the heights of power than to recount the life history of someone who did just that? Former US President Jimmy Carter has written well over a score of books, but A Full Life is a fresh and revealing read about his journey from rural life in Georgia with no mod cons to presidential life in Washington, and how that journey shaped his presidency. At a time when Americans have little confidence in their politicians, Carter's anecdotes provide a much-needed fresh perspective on the human side of politics.

The Heart, by Maylis de Kerangal

It is often difficult to appreciate the emotions of the people involved in unexpected death and sudden hope of new life. The story itself is simple: a young man is brain dead as a result of an accident, and his heart is donated to a woman who desperately needs it. However, the strength of the book is in the masterful use of language to provide the reader with a deep insight into the characters, forging a connection to people, and some never even make an appearance in the story. It explores the concept of grief, hope, and gratitude that you would hardly glimpse when you watch it on a television drama. It takes place over just twenty-four hours, yet it will leave you with food for thought for years to come.

Perennials, by Mandy Berman

Coming-of-age stories tend to be formulaic, but Mandy Berman manages to forge a new tract with Perennials by taking the usual summer-camp tripe and turning it on its head. Instead of pushing the idyllic best-friends-forever cliché, Berman explores what can happen when childhood friends grow up, and real-life issues come between them. Perennials centers around the friendship between street-smart city girl Rachel and shy suburban middle child Fiona, who first met as campers at Camp Marigold, and now return as counselors. The story is poignant, the language is witty, and the characters well developed. Camp Marigold will never be the same again.  

How to Fall in Love With Anyone, by Mandy Len Catron

"Summer lovin'" may be a euphemism for a fling, but this collection of essays may just give you pause for reflection. Mandy Len Catron is the author of the essay "To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This" published in the New York Times, which went viral in 2015. In the essay, she posits that you can fall in love with anyone by answering 36 questions and looking each other in the eye without talking for four minutes. She has since been exploring the myths people believe about romance, love, falling in love, and intimacy, and How to Fall in Love with Anyone is the result of these ruminations. If you are struggling with your own romantic aspirations, this is the perfect book for your summer read.

About the Author

Laura Buckler is a freelance writer and blogger who regularly contributes book reviews for various sites. She lives vicariously through books, and doesn't wait for summer to read them, either. She has not put the 36 questions to the test, but plans to do so one day.