Is 50 Shades of Grey Worth All The Buzz?

Alright, ever since news broke out about the book being made into a movie, it has been divided on whether or not it will be worth checking out. Since there was such a buzz surrounding the book, how many of you really are going to see? For those of you who read the book, share your thoughts about what you thought about it. Check out the trailer below and let us know based on what you see are you going to check it out! 

What's good narrative?

We all have our own preferences when it comes to novels. For me, I like lyricism and character development. There are other readers, though, that are more plot-focused. Some prefer an overt message, while still others enjoy an ambiguous ending. Whether it's characters, diction, sentence structure, or dialogue, we'd like to know what you're attracted to when it comes to writing. There's all sorts of good writing out there, and it varies enormously. That's part of the beauty of it. So chat with us-- what to you is good narrative, and why?

Weekend Reads

photo courtesy: The Guardian 

photo courtesy: The Guardian 

Weekends are the absolute best time to begin a new book, or actually make way in one you've neglected throughout the week. It's a challenge to keep a steady reading schedule when life gets in the way. Unfortunately, we've all slipped up and let a few days or even weeks pass. However, we want to know what you're reading this weekend. We're always interested in learning about new books, so share your weekend read below!

Leading Ladies

As a female, I'm always looking for my next favorite heroine in a novel. I've got plenty already--from shrewd-minded Scarlett O'Hara to the prickly and generally disagreeable Lisbeth Salander from the Millennium Series, they vary in appearance, personality, and morality. Oftentimes, I find myself drawn to flawed characters due to their realistic qualities (and let's face it--they're more entertaining to read about). Anyways, we want to know who some of your favorite heroines are. Whether classical or contemporary, share your favorite females below. 

The Classics

Despite your favorite genre, I think we all have a favorite "classic" or two. Whether it's something that we read in school, was suggested by a friend, or checked out from the library at random, it's the type of novel that stays close to you throughout your life. A few of my favorites include: Little Women, Jane Eyre, and Vanity Fair.

Though they aren't for every-day reading, there's something special about a well-known (and loved) novel that you can keep coming back to again and again. It's a comforting thing, and helps you to form an integral relationship with literature. 

We would like to know what your favorite classics are. Adventure? Horror? Romance? Comment below--they might just coincide with a few of our favorites, too!

Harry Potter and the question of author rights

Photo courtesy: Warner Bros

Photo courtesy: Warner Bros

JK Rowling has recently gone on record saying that she regrets the relationship between Ron and Hermione. Obviously, this has caused quite the uproar amongst Harry Potter fans. You can read The Guardian article here. 

What do you believe is appropriate in terms of authors commenting on previously published works? Is it fair (as well as useful) for authors to divulge information about a storyline that has been completed and is, quite literally, a "closed book", or is it, in fact, damaging to the fans and plot? How much say-so should an author have once they've given their novel to the people, and do you find it innately damaging for the writer to change their mind about a plot/character, publicly? It's an interesting concept, and one that doesn't have a readily apparent answer.

Paper Versus Powering Up

In what ways do you think the internet has helped literature? In what ways do you believe it has, in fact, hindered it? With the onset of bloggers, websites, ebooks, ect., there's been a shift from paper to powering up electronics in order to access the written word. It's a two-sided phenomenon; one that cannot be conclusively answered with a "yes" or "no". We'd like to hear your thoughts on this lengthy debate. 

Image: here

The Fairy Tale

photo credit: gari.baldi via photopin cc

photo credit: gari.baldi via photopin cc

Fairy tales were our first stories that we learned by heart; our parents read them to us as children, and because of this, we slowly learned the power of the story, the basic narrative structure of beginning, middle, and end. Just because we're adults doesn't mean we should set these stories aside. There are also so many great "adult" fairy tale writers out there--from Neil Gaiman to Karen Russell to Kelly Link. We want to know what your favorite childhood fairy tale is, and whether or not you've read any modern-day ones lately. 

Dystopia and Youth

Dystopian novels have always been popular, with the likes of Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Brave New World. However, within the past few years readers have seen a rise in dystopian novels marketed towards kids: The Hunger Games and the Divergent series. What are your thoughts on this shift towards Y.A. (young adult) dystopia? Why do you think this has become popular?

photo cred: here

Poll: New Month, New Classic

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a Classic? I'm sure for some of you, they are the books that our teachers made us read when we were kids right? Well, there must be something great about them because they have been around forever! Since there are so many great ones to choose from, we have decided to take a poll and let you decide what will be our pick for the month! Each month we will select a pick based on what you decide. Share with us what makes your pick the best!

Movie Adaptations of a Book



There are plenty of books that were adapted into films, some of them awful and some of them amazing. Given that most of the films created tend to strike the viewers fancy rather than tickle it, tell us what your favorite adaptation is! It could be something brand new like John Green's The Fault in Our Stars or The Hunger Games. Or it could be something made ages ago that graced the black and white screen of the 1940s. Tell us below which are your favorites and why!